va3pc - 2020, March 11 - 17:23
va3pc - 2020, March 11 - 17:22
va3pc - 2019, April 20 - 07:40
North Bay Mattawa Conservation Area Canoe Race
Require 5 or so members. All day event.
1 checkpoint is canoe access.
Bring Lunch, Supper provided at the Arena post-race.
Please use the webpage to sign up.
Paul, VA3PC
va3pc - 2019, March 22 - 14:14
Trout Lake (Olmstead Beach) - June 30th - muster time 08:30 - Require 5-6 operators, Please sign up on website.
va3pc - 2019, March 22 - 14:09
Safety communications for the trail up in Canadore woods - 4 operators
va3pc - 2019, March 22 - 14:07
Nature's Harmony in Mattawa.
Safety Communications - 8 operators (or more) required.
va3pc - 2019, March 22 - 14:04
Annual Hospice walk in Laurier woods.
We require 5 to 6 operators for safety communications.
va3pc - 2018, October 9 - 21:51
Sunday October 14, 2018 morning event, followed by a bowl of Chili.
Muster at the hospital (146.52 will be the frequency for talk in) at 08:30 or go directly to your point for 09:30 (the start of the trail run).
We have to track the runners on the trail to ensure there are no injuries.
We should have three or four stations to cover the event.
Thanks in advance.
73 Paul, VA3PC
VE3TGI - 2018, June 28 - 20:53
The SMEAC for the Triathlon this weekend is available on the club website.
The start time for the race we're assisting with is 09:30. There's a pre-event meeting at Olmstead Beach at 08:45.
Please use caution, as the Try-A-Tri will be underway when we're arriving for the main event.
If you can't access the SMEAC online, or if you have any questions, contact Bill Gibson VE3TGI at
Thanks to those who've signed up. Hope to see you all there!
va3pc - 2017, December 27 - 20:55