RAC Bulletin 130629
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 29, 2013
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. ARES Support for Southern Alberta Flooding Ended
As of June 24, all ARES operations in Alberta have been stood down by
their respective agencies. ARES will remain on standby during the
recovery process. A temporary link between the SARA provincial
linking system and the VE6HAT Medicine Hat Elkwater repeater will
remain in place until recovery operations are complete.
Thanks to all the operators that provided countless volunteer hours
to support the served agencies with priority and emergency traffic.
A provincial debrief meeting will be held, date and venue to be
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Possibly Canada's Youngest Ham
Congratulations to Miss Eilis (AY-lish) Isobel Wotherspoon, for
passing the amateur radio licence exam, with honours, on June 17th.
At ten years of age, she may currently be the youngest amateur radio
operator in Canada. Eilis was one of seven new hams who successfully
completed the course offered by the Peterborough Amateur Radio Club
-- including her mother Melissa, who also achieved honours standing
on the exam.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Collingwood ARC Meeting Change
Effective immediately, the Collingwood Amateur Radio Club will no
longer meet Tuesday evenings at the town hall. Meetings are
currently suspended for the summer, and resume in September. At that
time, club meetings will be combined with the club breakfast on the
first Saturday of the month, 9:30 am, at the Georgian Family
Restaurant, near the hospital.
-- Helena Short, VE3GFS
4. Milton Hamfest
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its 39th annual Ontario
Hamfest on Saturday, July 13, at the Milton Agricultural Fairgrounds
in Milton. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on 146.52 simplex.
For more information visit www.barc.ca.
-- RAC Events Database
5. Weather Radio Net Change
As of July 3rd the Weather Radio net will be moving from Saturday
evenings to Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. It will remain on IRLP reflector
9038 and Echolink node VE3ZHR-L 591897. This change is necessary in
order to further promote Weather Radio and hopefully can encourage
guest speakers to come to the net.
For more information email to Gord VA3WXA at va3wxa@gmail.com.
-- Gord Maybee, VA3WXA