RAC Bulletin 2014-01-04
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 4, 2014
1. Guelph Special Event
From January 10 to February 9, special event callsign XM3P will
commemorate the 50th anniversary of the University of Guelph. QSL
via VE3JO.
-- RAC Special Events Database
2. Ham Radio Promotional Video
A new promotional video entitled "Discovering Amateur radio" has just
been released. Written and narrated by David Anderson, K1AN, it is
available in a condensed 19-minute version and a full 32-minute
program. The producers say it was created for anyone who wishes to
encourage youths and adults to discover amateur radio. Find it
on-line at www.radioqrv.com.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
3. News in CW
K6DBG has a CW server which streams CNN breaking news in various
speed ranges. W1AW and NN9U practice files are also available. Find
it at tinyurl.com/kbthdqx (Kilo Bravo Tango Hotel Delta Quebec Xray)
Also, Morse-RSS-News is an open-source program for your computer
which will output Twitter or RSS news feeds in CW at your selected
speed and code (International or American Morse). Find it at
tinyurl.com/kxwltom (Kilo Xray Whiskey Lima Tango Oscar Mike)
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
4. CDXC DX Marathon
The UK DX Foundation's yearlong DX Marathon Challenge starts at 0001
UTC on January 1 and continues until 2359 UTC on December 31, 2014.
The aim of the Challenge and its awards program is to promote DX
activity throughout the year and to encourage operators to upload
their logs to Club Log. Any ham worldwide can enter, though only
CDXC members can receive trophies or salver awards. For more
information visit www.cdxc.org.uk
-- ARRL Web
5. Tokyo Hy-Power Files for Bankruptcy
Tokyo Hy-Power, a manufacturer of Amateur Radio amplifiers, antenna
tuners, and other equipment, is in bankruptcy, and its plant near
Tokyo has been closed. Telephones at the company are not being
answered, and its Japanese website has been taken down, although the
company's US website remains working.
-- ARRL Web