RAC Bulletin 2014-09-20
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 20, 2014 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 1. "Last Man Standing" Special Event On September 28, from 1400 to 2200 UTC, special event station K6H will operate HF and D-STAR from the so-called "Seinfeld Stage" on the CBS Studio Center lot in Studio City, California. Hosts for the event will be Amateur Radio crew members of the ABC television series "Last Man Standing." K6H is planning to operate HF SSB on or around 28.420, 14.250, and 7.260 MHz, and D-STAR reflector 12A. IRLP and Echolink will also be used. Updated information can be found on the PAPA Repeater System website, www.papasys.com. During the event the PAPA website will stream video directly from the operating stations. -- ARRL Web 2. Quebec Conference Special Event From October 11 to November 10, special event station CK3Q will commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Quebec Conference. Expected frequencies are 28.490, 21.290, 14.290. QSL via VE3RHE. For more information visit www.canada-150th.ca. -- RAC Events Database 3. Jamboree-On-The-Air This year's Scouts Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) will be October 18-19. Each year more than half a million Scouts and Guides "get together" over the airwaves, with the help of local radio amateurs. RAC provides a JOTA guide in PDF format at tinyurl.com/jota47, and Scouts Canada has a web page at www.jota-joti.ca. -- RAC web page and JOTA web page 4. Lunar Ham Radio Mission A ham radio payload developed in Luxembourg is part of a mission China will send around the moon this year. The payload, 4M-LXS, is one of several on the spacecraft, which will fly within 7500 to 15000 miles of the moon, and then return to Earth. 4M-LXS will transmit on 145.980 MHz plus or minus 2.9 kHz, using JT65B mode, with 1.5 watts into a monopole antenna. The signal strength should be comparable to amateur moon bounce signals. The launch is currently scheduled for October 23rd. A complete mission outline is on the web at tinyurl.com/China-Moon-Flyby -- Amateur Radio Newsline 5. HF Video Experiment in UK Rockwell Collins has released a report on its 2012 trials in the United Kingdom that used HF bands from 3 to 13 MHz for high-speed data and video transmissions. They found that by using modern modulation techniques, an SSB channel can support a raw data rate of 12,800 bits per second. Colour video at 15 frames per second can be streamed in a bandwidth of just 18 kHz, which is within the limits of the Canadian 10 metre amateur band. You can find the report in PDF at tinyurl.com/hf-video-testing -- Amateur Radio Newsline This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.