RAC Bulletin 2009-04-18
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 18, 2009
1. New RAC representative on ARRL Contest Advisory Committee.
After more than ten years as RAC's representative on the ARRL Contest
Advisory Committee, David Shipman, VE7CFD, has asked to be replaced.
RAC has then chosen Sam Ferris, VE5SF, to replace David. The ARRL has
already been advised of our choice and Sam is already starting his
Radio Amateurs of Canada wants to thank Dave, VE7CFD, for the many
years he has served the Amateurs of Canada by being on this important
committee. We also wish Sam, VE5SF, all the best in his work.
-- Daniel A. Lamoureux, VE2KA, RAC VP International Affairs
2. ARES Ontario Net
Cycle #24 is upon us. We are experiencing increasing check-ins for
the ARES ONTARIO net. The net meets every Sunday at one of two
80 m, 3.742 at 1300 local time
40 m, 7.153 at 1315 local time.
The 40 m net is intended for those out of range of the 80m band.
Come and join us and tell us what your local ARES group is doing.
Can't come every Sunday? No problem. Sunday is Family Day for many
of us. Come when you can.
-- Dave, VE3DVE, ARES EC St Catharines
3. Toronto CANWARN Training
CANWARN training will be offered in Toronto on Saturday May 2nd, at
9 AM, at Environment Canada Headquarters, 4905 Dufferin St., Toronto.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. Italian Hams Close HF Earthquake Net
The Emergency Communications Coordinator for IARU Region 1 says that
hams in Italy are no longer using HF for earthquake-relief
communications, and that 7045 kHz has been returned to regular
amateur usage. Normal operating procedures apply: listen before
transmitting, and if you hear any station passing emergency traffic,
then leave the frequency clear and avoid causing QRM.
-- CQ News Service
5. VY2CM Wins Dayton Technical Excellence Award
The Dayton Amateur Radio Association, host of the Dayton Hamvention,
has announced the 2009 winners of their three annual awards.
Copthorne "Cop" Macdonald, VY2CM, of Charlottetown, Prince Edward
Island, received the Technical Excellence Award for his pioneering
work in amateur Slow Scan Televison.
Wade "Danny" Hampton Jr, K4ITL, was named the 2009 Amateur of the
Year. Richard Garriott, W5KWQ, the sixth private citizen to fly to
the International Space Station, received the Special Achievement
-- ARRL Web