RAC Bulletin 2009-05-02
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 2, 2009
1. OPN Seeks Liaison Stations
The Ontario Phone Net is looking for weekend operators to go to the
Second Region SSB Net, 3925 kHz at 1830 Eastern Time, to accept
incoming traffic for Ontario. Anyone interested please contact Glenn
VE3GNA on the Ontario Phone Net or via email, ve3gna (at) rac.ca
-- Glenn Killam VE3GNA, OPN Assistant Net Manager
2. CANWARN Training, May 13-21
CANWARN training will be offered during the period May 13-21 at the
following locations:
North Bay, May 13th, 7 PM, Ontario Provincial Police Communications
Centre, 877 Gormanville Road, North Bay.
Dryden, May 19th, 7 PM CDT, at the Best Western, Sunset Room, 349
Government St., Dryden.
Kenora, May 20th, 7 PM CDT, at the Longbow Lake Fire Hall Training
Room, just east of Kenora.
Williamstown, May 21st, 1 PM, Williamstown Arena, 19740 County Road
17, Williamstown (Northeast of Cornwall).
Atikokan, May 21st, 7 PM, at the Atikokan Fire Hall, 101 Goodwin St.,
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. VA2MA Appointed to the ARISS International Working Group
Maurice-André Vignault, VA2MA/VE3VIG, has been appointed as the
Canadian AMSAT delegate to the Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station (ARISS) International Working Group. He replaces
Stefan Wagener, VE4NSA who resigned due to personal reasons.
The ARISS International Working Group includes two delegates
appointed by AMSAT. Both Maurice-André Vignault and Will Marchant,
KC6ROL, will be attending the upcoming ARISS International Working
Group meeting taking place in June 2009 in the Netherlands.
-- AMSAT News
4. KF2GC Returns as Northern New York Section Manager
Thomas Dick, KF2GC, of Saranac Lake, has returned to the office of
ARRL Section Manager for Northern New York. Tom Valosin, WB2KLD, who
had been Section Manager since 2007, decided not to run for another
term. Dick served in this position from 2000-2006 and ran unopposed
for the new term, which extends through December 31, 2010.
-- ARRL Bulletin Service
5. Over 10,000 logs submitted for CQ World Wide DX Contest
For the first time, more than 10,000 logs have been submitted for the
CQ World Wide DX Contest. The number of CW logs exceeded the number
of phone logs for the first time in more than 20 years. There were a
total of 5013 SSB logs and 5272 CW logs submitted for the 2008 event.
Nearly 98% of logs were submitted electronically. SSB results of the
2008 CQWW Contest will be published in the August 2009 issue of CQ
magazine; CW results will appear in the September issue.
-- RSGB News
6. GeoCities is Closing
If you have a web page on Yahoo's "GeoCities" free web hosting
service, you need to start looking for a new host. Yahoo will shut
down GeoCities later this year. Be sure that you have a backup of
your web site before that happens! Google "free web host" and you'll
find plenty of alternatives where you can move your web site.
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM