RAC Bulletin 2015-05-23
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 23, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. Canwarn training - Week of Jun 7th to Jun 13th. No Training this week 2. Fleamarket: Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo ARC's Date: Sunday, June 7, 2015 Loc'n: Waterloo Regional Police Association Recreation Centre (Near Cambridge, ON) Beside Hwy 401, between Exit 275 (Homer Watson Dr) and Exit 268 (Cedar Creek Rd) We recommend you use Exit 268 (Cedar Creek Rd) and watch for the signs. Time: Vendors 7am, Tailgaters 8am, Public 9am to 12 noon Admission $7 (under 12 free) Talk-in frequency: Talk In: VE3KSR repeater on 146.970 (CTCSS 131.8) and 146.520 Simplex Description: 41 years and still going strong, Indoor tables and tailgating; major vendors; free prize draws, tasty refreshments. Easy parking. For more info contact: info@hamfest.on.ca Webpage: http://www.hamfest.on.ca ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Short History of Radio Shack (as the bankruptcy proceeds). The company was formed in 1921 by brothers Milton and Theodore Deutchmann, to supply marine radio equipment, hence its name. From supplying maritime installations, it grew to include a mail order business for hobbyists after World War II. In 1951 they started manufacturing audio equipment under their brand name "Realistic." In 1962, Charles Tandy purchased the company and rescued it from its creditors. For the complete article see: http://wshu.org/post/farewell-old-friend 4. WX4NHC to conduct annual station test Amateur Radio station WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center in Miami will conduct its annual station test on May 30, 1400 until 2200 UTC. They will try to use the Hurricane Watch Net frequency 14.325 MHz, but could be on any nearby frequency. Look for spots on your local cluster. The purpose of this event is to test Amateur Radio station equipment, antennas, and computers in advance of the 2015 hurricane season, which starts June 1 and runs through November 30. --- ARRL News 5. Northern Ontario Repeater Listings website upgrade. A request for repeater sponsors in Northern Ontario to update their information on the redesigned N.O.R.L. website. Feedback is also requested to improve users' experience. The site is now responsive to mobile devices as well as regular web browsers. it can be found at http://www.ciinet.org/norl --- Paul VA3PC and Kevin VA3KVC. This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.