RAC Bulletin 2009-05-09
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 9, 2009
1. Resignation of Midwest Director
Due to increased demands on his personal and career schedules,
Midwest Director Devon Racicot, VE5DWR, has regretfully submitted his
resignation from the Radio Amateurs of Canada Board of Directors. The
RAC Board and Executive extends sincere thanks to Devon for his past
service, and best wishes for the future.
As required by the RAC Constitution, a call for nominations to fill
the remainder of the director's two-year term will appear in the
July-August 2009 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine, as will
nomination procedure details. Qualified RAC members who reside in
Manitoba or Saskatchewan are encouraged to take the necessary steps
at that time to fill the post and ensure representation for all Radio
Amateurs in the Midwest Region.
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, RAC President
2. CANWARN Training, May 22-23
CANWARN training will be offered at the following locations:
Thunder Bay, May 22nd, 7 PM, in Room C242, Shunia Building, at
Confederation College, corner of William and Edward Streets, Thunder
Kingston, May 23rd, 1 PM, at the Days Inn, 33 Benson St., Kingston.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. CNIB Hamfest
The CNIB Amateur Radio Program will hold its 2nd annual hamfest on
Saturday, May 23, at the CNIB Centre, 1929 Bayview Ave., in Toronto.
Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VE3NIB 443.500 (+) 103.5 Hz
tone; VE3RPT 147.060 (+) 103.5 Hz tone; and simplex 146.520. For more
information visit www.cnib.ca/amateurradio/hamfest
-- RAC Events Database
4. Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day (ARMAD) will be held this
year on May 23rd. Planners hope to encourage all radio clubs and
their operators to get on the air and show thanks, support, and
appreciation for all current and past members of the military. For
more information see www.armad.net
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
5. AMSAT Field Day
The AMSAT Field Day 2009 event is open to all Amateur Radio
operators. Amateurs are to use the exchange as specified in ARRL
rules for Field Day. The AMSAT competition is to encourage the use of
all amateur satellites, both analog and digital. Note that no points
will be credited for any contacts beyond the ONE allowed via each
single-channel FM satellite. Complete rules and contest information
can be downloaded as a PDF file from www.amsatnet.com/2009fd.pdf
-- AMSAT News
6. Marconi Day success on 500kHz
This year, on Marconi Day, a Marconi official station using Marconi
marine equipment completed a radio contact similar to those Marconi
himself achieved many years ago. During the overnight hours of 24-25
April, GB4FPR at the Fort Perch Rock Marine Radio Museum managed a
transatlantic CW QSO on 502kHz with V01MRC in St. John's,
Newfoundland. It was a crossband QSO with GB4FPR transmitting 1 watt
ERP on 502kHz and receiving the Canadian station on 3566kHz.
-- RSGB News