RAC Bulletin 2009-01-17
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 17, 2009
1. First of Eight New Section Training Coordinators Announced
RAC's National Training Coordinator (NTC), Dave Drinnan, VE9FK, who
is also the editor of the recently introduced and highly acclaimed
ARES Operations Training Manual, has named the first two appointees
to a planned eight Section Training Coordinator (STC) positions.
Jim Forsyth, VA7FJE, becomes STC for British Columbia/Yukon Section,
while Bill Boskwick, VE6BOZ, is now STC for Alberta Section.
The NTC, who resides in the Maritimes Section, will assume the STC
role there temporarily, pending identification of a willing and
qualified candidate.
The STC's function is to make available consistent training methods,
documents and other training support to RAC ARES units and members,
reporting to and acting under the direction of the NTC. Full details
of this new position may be found at
Qualified candidates interested in becoming the STC for
Newfoundland/Labrador, Maritimes, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba or
Saskatchewan Sections should contact the RAC Vice President of Field
Services via email, ve3bdb at sympatico dot ca
-- Bob Cooke VE3BDB, Vice President Field Services
2. VP9 Land Anniversary
2009 is the 400th anniversary of the settlement of Bermuda by Sir
George Somers. Most local organisations are having an event of some
kind during the year. The Radio Society of Bermuda has been issued
with a special call sign that can be used all year, it is VP9400/
followed by the operator's call sign suffix, for example, VP9400/LP.
There are a few novice licence holders who have a 3 digit suffix,
like VP9400/NMT. Special pictorial postcards will be used to QSL.
-- Rose Spershott, VP9LP, Secretary, Radio Society of Bermuda
3. Classic Exchange Contest January 25 and February 15
The Classic Exchange (CX) is a no-pressure contest to encourage
restoration, operation and enjoyment of older commerical and homebrew
equipment. You need not use a "classic" rig in the contest, but your
score is computed by multipling number of QSOs by the total age of
your rig, so modern gear is a distinct scoring disadvantage!
The CW CX will run from 1400 UTC January 25 to 0800 UTC January 26.
The Phone CX (AM/SSB/FM) will run from 1400 UTC February 15 to 0800
UTC February 16. Call "CQ Classic Exchange" on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15,
10, 6, or 2 metres. For more information visit qsl.asti.net/cx
-- ARRL Web
4. CQ to Accept eQSL Confirmations for Award Credit
Effective immediately, CQ magazine will accept contact confirmations
made on eQSL.cc for its operating awards. Only confirmations from
"Authenticity Guaranteed" members of eQSL will be accepted, and in
accordance with existing eQSL policy, a membership level of bronze or
higher is required.
Applicants for the CQ DX and CQ DX Field Awards must print out their
eQSLs and submit them along with their traditional QSLs. For CQ's
Worked All Zones, WPX and USA-Counties awards, eQSL provides an
electronic submission through the "My Awards" page. For more
information, visit www.eqsl.cc and www.cq-amateur-radio.com
-- CQ Bulletin Service
5. VE3NPC and G3VZV Transatlantic AO-51 Contact
Clare, VE3NPC and Graham, G3VZV completed a transatlantic Mode V/S
contact via AO-51, running an uplink of 145.880 MHz FM and downlink
of 2401.200 MHz FM, at 10:11 UTC on January 9, 2009. Clare reported
the elevation at 5 degrees and a range of 2700 km. The two stations
completed a short QSO with clear signals. For details of their
equipment, visit www.amsat.org/amsat-new/news
-- AMSAT News Service