RAC Bulletin 2009-06-27
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 27, 2009
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009 6:37 AM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 27, 2009
1. PROCOM Net Technical Information
The province-wide PROCOM net schedule is Thursday 8:00 P.M. Eastern
Time. This net has changed over from the Crossroads reflector 9206 to
conduct the net on experimental reflector 0040.
For installation of manual and automated modifications to allow
IRLP linking to experimental reflector 0040 please visit web site
Thank you for your continued support of the Ontario ARES IRLP and
the weekly PROCOM networks that link Ontario together.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
2. New EC for City of Windsor
A new Emergency Coordinator has been appointed for the City of
Windsor in the St. Clair District. Ken Harris, VE3MNY has filled this
vacant position and brings a wealth of public service experience to
the ARES program in the southwestern region. Ken obtained valuable
training and onsite skills during hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast
and he is an active member of the Canadian Red Cross in Disaster
Planning and Response.
The Ontario ARES welcomes Ken to this new role as EC to plan and
develop amateur radio emergency communications resources in Windsor
and Essex County.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
3. Ontario Hamfest 2009
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its Ontario Hamfest 2009
on Saturday, July 11, 2009, at the Milton Agricultural Fairgrounds
in Milton. Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on 146.52 simplex.
For more information visit www.barc.ca
-- RAC Events Database
4. CQ World-Wide DX "Xtreme"
CQ Magazine has added a new "Xtreme" category to the CQ World Wide DX
Contest to encourage the development of new technologies in amateur
radio communications in general and contesting in particular. This
new category has been established to allow amateurs to participate in
the contest while experimenting creatively with Internet-linked
stations and other new technologies that previously were not
permitted in the contest.
The Xtreme category takes effect with the 2009 CQ WW contest later
this year. Entries will be evaluated on two equally-weighted
dimensions, score and innovation. The rules for the new Xtreme
Category can be found at www.cq-amateur-radio.com
-- Amateur Radio Newsline