RAC Bulletin 2009-06-13
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 13, 2009
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009 11:47 AM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 13, 2009
1. Bill 118 News on RAC Blog
Please be advised that after consultation with other affected groups
that use amateur radio mobile equipment and following a helpful and
friendly discussion with Ontario Ministry of Transportation staff I
have recommended on the RAC blog that all Ontario amateurs offer
their personal comments to the government consultation website.
See the RAC Blog at www.racblog.wordpress.com for more details.
-- Peter West, VE3HG, RAC Vice-President Public Relations
2. Field Day Message Traffic
The Ontario Phone Net (OPN) reminds all Field Day 2009 operators that
the OPN meets 365 days a year to pass formal NTS traffic across the
Ontario Section and beyond. The net meets on or about 3.742 MHz, at
1900 EASTERN Time.
NTS Field Day Traffic for the Ontario Section Manager or the Ontario
Section Emergency Coordinator earns a 100 point bonus. Other traffic
earns 10 points per message handled. This traffic can either be
passed by your local traffic net to the OPN, or directly to the OPN,
depending on your circumstances. This traffic must leave your Field
Day site via amateur radio and be originated during the time of Field
Day for credit towards your group's score.
-- Bob Sharp VA3QV, Net Manager, Ontario Phone Net
3. Canada Day Radio-Thon for Charity
On July 1st, members from the Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio (NPARC)
will hold their second annual Canada Day Radio-thon for Charity.
Donations are pledged based on the number of contacts made by NPARC
members in the Canada Day Contest. NPARC Members will canvass the
public for pledges in June.
Last year, $680.00 was raised for charity. This year the Canadian
National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Amateur Radio Program and the
St. Catharines General Hospital Foundation will be participating.
Other charities are invited. For more information about how you, your
club, or your charity can get involved, visit www.nparc.on.ca
-- RAC Events Database
4. Field Day Tips and Techniques
If your idea of Field Day fun is to go for the highest score
possible, ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X, offers
several suggestions that everyone can use. Visit tinyurl.com/mt69kc
(Mike Tango Six Nine Kilo Charlie) for the list.
-- ARRL Web