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The Mattawa Canoe Race was held Saturday July 25th. The race starts at Olmstead Beach on Trout Lake and finishes up on the Mattawa Island in Mattawa. The weather started out ok but did give us a few problems during the afternoon. There are three checkpoints and a finish line that need to be manned. Checkpoints 1 and 3 are vehicle accessable. Getting a radio signal to VE3NBR 147.15(+) from checkpoint 1 is impossible so a vehicle with cross band repeat was set-up. This worked very well. Checkpoint 3 can access the repeater depending on exact location from the checkpoint. Checkpoint 2 is canoe access only and again a vehicle with cross band repeat is required to access the repeater. Everything must be carried/paddled in, radios, batteries, tables, chairs, tarps etc. There were 36 various canoes and kayaks put in the water in Trout Lake. All but 4 finished. The FAMLY canoes get put in at checkpoint 3 in Samuel De Champlain Park. All 6 finished. Again this year the weather didn't really cooperate. While it started good in the mid afternoon a few thunderstorms rolled through. Checkpoints 2 and 3 got very wet. At the finish not only was there rain and wind but pea sized hail. Then the lightning took out hte hydro. No repeater no cell coverage. While the base, located at the finish on the Mattawa Island could hear checkpoint 2 the signal was so poor it was unreadable. Checkpoint 3 was barely readable but couldn't seem to hear the base. The base then headed south out of town and found a convenient place to park near the top of the big hill heading south out of town. Checkpoint 3 and the finish were back in contact. Checkpoint 2 was just copyable. The repeater owner Chris VE3CEA took a generator up to the repeater site and put it back on the air just for us. Thanks very much Chris. It was a great help. It was a long day as the first canoes went into the water at 0730 and the last canoe finished at 1957. A dinner was provided starting about 1830. There was the usual concern that, with the power out, dinner wouldn't be ready. I understand it was lasagna and salad were good. Thanks to all those who came out. VA3SPT Bill and Betty, VA3STX Bernie and his son, VA3BDR Bruce, VA3WAC Bill, VE3KAA Derek, VE3GMG Howard and VE3LOR Lori. I'm sure we will be back again next year. HOPEFULLY with better weather.
DON'T FORGET. SUMMER IN THE PARK is ready to roll this weekend.
VHF NET - Monday Morning 0700L - 0800L. VE3ERX/VE3NFM. Net controller - DAVE VE3GTM
HF NET - Sunday Morning 0900L - ??. 3.768MHz LSB (+/- QRM). Net controller - Paul VA3PC
COFFEE - Saturdays at NorthGate Square. 1000L-1100L (+/-). In front of A & W
VE3ERX 147.030 (+) (PL 107.2) POWASSAN {N46 03.767 W079 26.133} (IRLP/2649 ECHOLINK/239683)
VE3NFM 147.300 (+) (PL 107.2) North Bay {N46 21.107 W079 22.197}
VE3NFM-15 144.390 APRS