RAC Bulletin 2009-08-01
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 1, 2009
1. Local Net Activity Reports Solicited
I encourage each local level net, whether conducted on VHF/UHF or HF,
to report the net activities to the Section Traffic Manager at the
end of each month. The report need not be long. Simply list the
number of sessions, the total of checkins, any traffic handled and
the total elapsed time for the month. This will enable us at Field
Services to have an idea of just what net activities are occurring
each month within Ontario. The report should be set to me via the
Ontario Phone Net no later than the 3rd of the month following.
In addition I encourage any amateurs who regularly participate in
these nets to submit a Station Activity Report (SAR) and/or a Public
Service Honour Roll (PSHR) report to me each month. Samples of these
reports may be found on the RAC website. These reports give me, as
Section Traffic Manager, a better idea of which amateurs would be
available if needed for emergency communications.
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA, Ontario STM
2. Brantford Hamfest 2009
The Brantford Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual hamfest on
Saturday, August 15, at the Burford Fairgrounds, 6 Park Avenue in
Burford. Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk in on VE3TCR repeater,
147.150 (+). For more information visit www.ve3ba.com
-- RAC Events Database
3. VHARA Hamfest Cancelled
The Victoria-Haliburton Amateur Radio Association Hamfest, originally
scheduled for Saturday, August 22, in Lindsay, has been cancelled
for this year. For information visit www.vhara.ca
-- RAC Events Database
4. VE3AWE Retiring from Eastern Area Net
Terry Ussher, VE3AWE, has chosen to retire from active traffic work,
thus bringing to a close some 63 years of CW traffic handling.
For as long as I have known him, Terry has been the epitome of the
best to be found in NTS. Whether measured by CW skills, signal
strength, operating "savvy", or reliability, Terry has consistently
stood at the top. Please join me in wishing Terry and his lovely
bride Ellen all the best in their future endeavors.
-- Bud Hippisley W2RU, EAN Cycle 4 Manager, via Glenn, VE3GNA