RAC Bulletin 2009-08-15
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Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009 7:18 AM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 15, 2009
1. ARES Link on Internet Radio
The Ontario Amateur Radio Emergency Service now has a new dedicated
Internet radio link available for use. IRLP link 2759 is registered
on the province-wide ARES simplex frequency 146.500 MHz in the
St.Clair District and provides direct communication with the
Provincial Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) via VE3EMO Toronto.
This new link also joins the growing network of EmCom providers in
place thanks to the objective and tireless efforts of the Escarpment
Repeater Association (ERA) the Southern Ontario Repeater Team (SORT)
as well as the Central Ontario Amateur Radio Group and others that
expand and enhance communications resources in Ontario.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario SEC
2. Giant Dollar Outdoor Ham Radio Sale
The Ontario Swap Shop and VE3DGX will hold the "Giant Dollar Outdoor
Ham Sale" on Saturday, August 29, at the Lions Community Centre
parking lot, 5057 Mount Albert Road, 15 km northeast of Newmarket.
This is a one-time-only, tailgate event, on the same day as the RAC
General Meeting in Aurora that afternoon. Open at 8 a.m.; talk-in on
145.470. For more information see www.ontarioswapshop.com
-- RAC Events Database
3. MFJ Acquires Cushcraft
MFJ Enterprises has purchased the Cushcraft Amateur Radio product
line from Laird Technologies. According to MFJ, Cushcraft antennas
will continue to be manufactured in Manchester, New Hampshire. The
2010 MFJ catalog will include the entire Cushcraft product line. MFJ
has set up a special customer support line, 662-323-5803, to handle
Cushcraft technical support, parts requests and customer services.
-- ARRL Letter
4. UT Austin Requests Help to Track BEVO-1
On July 30th, "picosatellites" AggieSat2 and BEVO-1 were launched
from the Space Shuttle. Beacon packets have been heard from
AggieSat2, but no signals have been received from BEVO-1. The current
theory is that only partial separation occurred, and the antennas did
not deploy correctly. AggieSat2 transmits with more power, so it is
easier to hear. BEVO-1 tranmits on 437.325 MHz, and any reception
reports would be welcome! For BEVO1 information see
-- AMSAT News
5. Canada Day Contest Log Anomalies
The RAC Canada Day committee has been having some issues with the
claimed category of entry versus the actual contents of the log. When
this issue is present, they are taking the content of the log as
being reflective of the actual category of entry. Please
double-check your entry class when you submit your logs!
-- ARRL Contest Update
6. Canada Winter Contest Results Posted
Results for the 2008 Canada Winter Contest have now been posted to
the Radio Amateurs of Canada Web site, and will be published in the
next edition of TCA magazine.
-- ARRL Contest Update