RAC Bulletin 2009-08-29
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 29, 2009
1. Ottawa Hamfest
The Ottawa Amateur Radio Club will hold its 13th Annual Hamfest on
Saturday, September 12, at the Carp Agricultural Fairgrounds, 3832
Carp Road, near Falldown Lane, in Carp. Look for the W. Erskine
Johnson arena. Tailgaters open 8 am, indoor fleamarket 10 am.
Talk-in on VE2CRA repeater, 146.94 (-), 100 Hz tone. Immediately
after the fleamarket, at 1 pm, is the RAC Forum and Technology
Update. For more information visit www.oarc.net/fleamarket
-- RAC Events Database
2. Barrie-Orillia Hamfest
The Barrie Amateur Radio Club & Orillia Amateur Radio Club will hold
their hamfest on Saturday, September 12, at the Oro-Medonte
Fairgrounds. Go north on Hwy 400 to Hwy 11, north on Hwy 11 to
Oro-Medonte 7th line, towards and just past the airport. Talk-in on
VE3LSR repeater, 146.850 (-), 156.7 Hz tone. For more information
visit www.barriearc.com.
-- RAC Events Database
3. World High-Speed Telegraphy Championship
The 8th World High-Speed Telegraphy Championship will be held from
September 11th to 15th in Obzor, Bulgaria. To celebrate this,
special callsign LZ8WHST will be activated by various operators
from the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs, until the end of
September. For QSL information, search for LZ8WHST on qrz.com.
Information about the telegraphy championship can be found at
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. Field Day Logs Posted
All 2009 Field Day logs that have been received, via web submission,
e-mail, or postal mail, have been posted to the Claimed Scores page
on the ARRL Web site. If you find an error in your listing, or your
entry is missing, please contact ARRL Field Day Manager Dan
Henderson, N1ND, via email at dhenderson (at) arrl.org. If your
entry is listed as needing more information, please contact Kathy
Allison, KA1RWY, kallison (at) arrl.org
-- ARRL Web
5. ARISS Contact with Ottawa Sports Camp
On Tuesday, August 11, an Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) contact was held between Canadian Space Agency
Astronaut Robert Thirsk, VA3CSA and Ottawa South United Sports Camp
held at the Walter Baker Sports Centre in Ontario. Telebridge station
W6SRJ in California facilitated the connection. Approximately 130
people attended the event.
-- AMSAT News