RAC Bulletin 2009-01-31
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 31, 2009
1. Amateur Assistance Sought for Japan's Venus Probe
The Japan Amateur Radio League and JAMSAT, the Japanese amateur
satellite organization, are working with the Japanese University
Space Engineering Consortium to send an amateur radio payload to
Venus next year. They ask radio amateurs all over the world to help
improve and test the technologies, and to provide received data from
the 1 bit-per-second CW beacon. For more information see
tinyurl.com/ajt5ar (Alpha Juliet Tango Five Alpha Romeo)
-- CQ News Service
2. CubeSats in Sat Magazine
SatMagazine, a free web-based magazine, is available on-line
at www.satmagazine.com. The January 2009 issue is dedicated to
Cubesats. AMSAT and Amateur Radio are mentioned.
-- AMSAT News Service
3. HAM-MAG Issue 2 now available
Issue 2 of the new English language Amateur Radio publication HAM-MAG
is now available for free download from www.ham-mag.com. If you sign
up for a free subscription, the magazine will be emailed to you each
-- Ham Radio Daily
4. Free Contesting Magazine
PileUP! newsletter by Contest Club Finland has covered radio
contesting since 1997. Articles in PileUP! are in Finnish or in
English, and the issues since 2006 are openly available online in PDF
format. PileUP! is a quarterly, ad-free and subscription fee-free
electronic publication. Find it at tinyurl.com/bfa89f (Bravo Foxtrot
Alpha Eight Nine Foxtrot)
-- ARRL Contest Update
5. North American QRP CW Club
The North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) is a club to encourage use of
CW and help all hams increase CW speed and proficiency. Membership
is free, and is open to any licensed radio amateur or shortwave
listener worldwide with at least some interest in CW/QRP operation.
You don't need to be a 100% CW nor 100% QRP operator. To get more
information or to sign up, visit the web site at www.usatek.net/~yoel
-- Southgate ARC News