RAC Bulletin 100417
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 17, 2010
1. RAC Requests 60m Frequency Assignments
RAC has sent a formal request to Industry Canada, to authorize for
the Canadian Amateur Service the same five 5 MHz frequencies that are
now authorized in the USA. Two additional spot frequencies are
requested for exclusive Canadian Amateur use.
RAC anticipates this request will go through a lengthy analysis and
review at Industry Canada before being published as a Canada Gazette
Notice for public comment. If all goes well, we may see
authorization within a year.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Royal Canadian Navy Special Events
From May 1st to 31st, special event station CG7NAVY will celebrate
the centenary of the Royal Canadian Navy. CG7NAVY will operate 80m to
2m using ssb/am/cw/fm; vintage Canadian military radio equipment
will periodically be used. A special QSL will be issued. See qrz.com
for information.
On May 15th, special event station CG3ADML, will celebrate the
Founding Father of the Royal Canadian Navy, Sir Admiral Charles
Edmund Kingsmill. The Admiral Kingsmill Corps, Navy League Cadets of
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario and Sea Cadets will be operate on 20, 40 and
80 meters, various modes, from the Royal Canadian Legion in Portland,
-- RAC Database, QRZ.com, and ONTARS web page
3. CANWARN Training, May 1
CANWARN training will be offered in Toronto on Saturday, May 1st, 9
a.m., at Environment Canada Headquarters 4905 Dufferin St. (Dufferin
south of Steeles Avenue).
Also on May 1st at 9 am, in Cornwall, at the Cornwall Legion, 415
Second St. West.
If you plan to attend a CANWARN session, please confirm by email to
canwarn.ontarioregion (at) ec.gc.ca.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. China Earthquake Frequencies
The Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA) has asked that the
frequencies of 7050kKHz and 7060kHz be kept clear for emergency ham
radio communications following a devastating earthquake in Yu Shu
district, Qinghai province.
The earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Ritcher scale occurred on April
13th and has left 589 people dead, nearly 10,000 injured and 10,000
families needing to be resettled due to 99% of houses damaged.
-- Southgate ARC News