08-03 March Meeting Report

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This is what I remember as temporary acting occasional (just because I
was there) recording dude.

Meeting called to order @ 19:31 by Bruce, VA3BDR
Treasurer's Report: We have money - more after tonight's dues added.
(Don't ask for a balance just yet, Bruce is working on it!)
Old Business: WX Radios - Bill VA3SPT reported a shipping snag. He
will let us know when he returns from March Break.
Nets: VHF - Interference - VE3ERX Repeater checked and receiver had
drifted off frequency. Paul VA3PC corrected it monday night/tuesday
morning. VE3NFM was checked (on air) after leaving the meeting - it
seemed to work OK, but Paul will check it in the spring when he can
get up the hill.
Nets: HF - 8 to 12 checkins over the past month - all bulletins were
read. The W9/W0 group is sometimes still there, so the frequency is
shifted upwards slightly when that happens.
Repeater Report - as above - Paul will test NFM and advise.
The controller card has arrived and Paul built it last weekend. He
has mounted an MSR 2000 on a rack and is ready to tune as soon as the
crystals arrive. Possible VE3ERX frequency change to 147.03 was
mentioned. Should have less interference as is further away from the
Fleetnet frequencies and also allow packet at site in future. Paul
will test and advise.
Correspondence: Bell will sponsor the Mattawa Canoe Race this year
and might be looking for help. This race will be the week after Lost
in the Rocks and Trees, and the weekend before Heritage Festival.
Lost in Rocks and Trees - discussions with Nick Green (race
organizer) - he would like input on improvements - we have been there
since day one, and he wants to know what would make it better.
To be followed up during road trip to Fleamarket in April.
Fleamarkets: 29 March - Brampton - Gerry VE3YO indicates he will be
19 April - Durham Fleamarket - usual vanload will be travelling south.
Emergency Trailer and Eqt: No updates.
RAC Info: They have moved website to new server and upgraded alias e-mail with new anti-spam software.
Vancouver is looking for Amateur
volunteers with own accomodation to assist in the Olympic Games etc.
Please see RAC website for details.
Contest Club: Requires antenna work - Ken VA3SK or Paul VA3PC will let
us know when it happens.
Topic for next meeting (April 9): Paul VA3PC will do presentation on
formal traffic handling.
Howard VE3GMG moved to adjourn @ 20:08
50/50 draw and coffee at Timmy's afterwards.

