RAC Bulletin 2009-02-07
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 7, 2009
1. Humber College Contact with the ISS From Tom Clark, K3IO via the NASA ARISS Channel we have received this news: "On Monday, Feb 2nd, 2009, CBC show 'As It Happens' had a nice about 6-minute piece on the Humber College/VA3JUV contact with a very enthusiastic Sandra Magnus KE5FYE on the International Space Station.
To listen to the 'As It Happens' audio, visit tinyurl.com/d86lg4 (Delta Eight Six Lima Golf Four). This is a WMV audio file. Fast forward to time 16 min 50 sec. The ISS audio is really great at 21 min 30 sec. ARISS is referred to as an 'offshoot of NASA' at about 18:40 and 'ham radio' is said once." -- RAC Bulletin Service ONTARIO SECTION NEWS
2. New Ontario Assistant SEC A new Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator has been selected for the Ontario ARES Field Service. Brett Gilbank, VE3ZBG of London becomes the very first ASEC appointment in Canada effective February 01, 2009. As the newly appointed official to this position Brett is eager to serve the ARES with promotion and training skills and share Ontario's administrative workload. We welcome Brett's expertise and dedication to this important new role and wish him every success. -- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC ITEMS OF INTEREST
3. Antarctic Station On the Air Until February 18 KC4USV, the Amateur Radio station at McMurdo Station on Ross Island in Antarctica, is now on the air with a new transceiver, amplifier and antenna. Operator Bill Erhardt, K7MT, reports that the station will operate Sundays on 14.243 MHz, starting at 0001 UTC. Erhardt leaves McMurdo on February 18 and is unsure if the station will be on the air over the Antarctic winter. -- ARRL Web
4. Hams Provide Communications As Ice Storms Hit U.S. The storm that began on Tuesday, January 27 brought as much as 2 inches of ice accumulation over parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and West Virginia, as much as 6 inches of sleet in Missouri and Indiana, and up to 16 inches of snow in other regions. Many areas are still without power, and amateur radio support has been essential as landlines and cell phones have failed. For the full story see tinyurl.com/cu8e4w (Charlie Uniform Eight Echo Four Whiskey) -- ARRL Web
5. Second ARRL Homebrew Challenge ARRL has launched its second Homebrew Challenge. The challenge this time is to design a 50-watt, 40-metre linear amplifier for a cost of less than $125 U.S. The deadline for contest entries is February 28, 2010. For full details of the contest, visit www.arrl.org/qst/hbc -- ARRL Contest Update