RAC Bulletin 101225
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for December 25, 2010
1. Season's Greetings from RAC
To Fellow Radio Amateurs, your Families and Loved ones: I bring you
seasonal greetings from your national radio association; the Radio
Amateurs of Canada. I hope that 2010 has been an excellent year for
you and those that you hold dear.
As we enter this holiday season I want to wish each and every one of
you a warm wish for a fabulous holiday season as well as a healthy
and prosperous 2011. I am sure that you will be taking time to be
with your friends and family. Being with those closest to you makes
this the finest part of the year.
Take care. May 2011 be good to you.
-- Geoff Bawden VE4BAW, President and Chair, RAC
2. Fast Facts on the New RAC Insurance Program
Since the RAC Bulletin advising Members about the changes to the RAC
Insurance Policy came out there have been some questions being
raised. With the intent of keeping our members better informed, Bob
VA3QV asked First Vice President Ian MacFarquhar VE9IM to address
some of the questions we have heard recently. Read Ian's replies at
-- RAC Blog
3. EmComm Quarterly Signing Off
EmComm Quarterly has ceased publication. This e-newsletter about
amateur radio emergency communications started as EmComm Monthly in
2004, and became quarterly in 2009. Back issues will remain
available at www.emcomm.org/em, and the web site will continue
operation unitl funds are depleted.
-- D. W. Thorne, K6SOJ, Editor / Publisher
4. Free Propagation E-Book
Steve G0KYA and Alan G3NYK, of the Radio Society of Great Britain's
Propagation Studies Committee, have released a free ebook called
"Understanding LF and HF Propagation." It is based on a series of
features the two wrote for the RSGB's "Radcom" magazine in 2008 and
2009. Download the book in PDF format for free at
-- AMSAT News