RAC Bulletin 2009-02-14
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 14, 2009
1. New First Vice-President Elected
At the January 27, 2009 teleconference it was announced that the RAC
Board of Directors have elected Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM, of Saint
John, NB, as First Vice-President of RAC. Ian will complete the
term ending 31 December 2009. Ian has previously been First VP.
The Board also appointed Ed Frazer, VE7EF, as interim Regional
Director for British Columbia and Yukon. This interim appointment
will last until 30 April, or until a new Director is nominated and
elected by RAC members in that region.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. New Planning Director for Manitoba EMO
Don Mackinnon, VE4DJ, has become the Director of Planning for the
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization. A lawyer and former police
officer, Don has been the RAC Manitoba Section Emergency Coordinator
for some 12 years and this week gave up that appointment in order to
address his new EMO role. Besides his many other contributions to
Amateur Radio, Don chaired the RAC National Training Resource Group,
commissioned by the RAC Vice President for Field Services in August,
2006. Many recommendations and suggestions came from that Group,
with a number of them subsequently implemented. RAC extends sincere
thanks to Don for his past support and best wishes in his new post.
-- Bob Cooke VE3BDB, RAC Vice President Field Services
3. IARU President and Vice President confirmed
A worldwide balloting that ended on February 10th has ratified the
nominations of Timothy S. Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, to serve as President
of the International Amateur Radio Union, and Ole Garpestad, LA2RR,
to serve as Vice President. Both will serve for a five-year term
beginning on 9 May 2009.
Mr Ellam, of Calgary, Alberta, is presently Vice President of the
IARU and is well known in Canadian Amateur administration circles.
Mr. Garpestad, of Oslo, Norway is President of the IARU Region 1.
Our congratulations to Tim and Ole and we are looking forward to
working with them. We also thank outgoing IARU President Dr. Larry
E. Price, W4RA, for his decades of hard work.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. Burlington Spring Flea Market
The Burlington ARC will hold its spring Fleamarket on Saturday,
February 28, at the Canadian Legion, 828 Legion Rd., in Burlington.
Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VE3RSB repeater 147.210 (+),
tone 131.8 Hz. Admission will be refunded when a receipt for a new
RAC membership is acquired at this fleamarket and is presented to the
Spring Fleamarket cashier. For more information visit www.barc.ca
-- RAC Events Database
5. Powerpole Connectors for ARES
A Powerpoint presentation on the use of Powerpole connectors for ARES
purposes is available for download. To download the presentation go to
tinyurl.com/b2eeya (Bravo Two Echo Echo Yankee Alpha). This is a ZIP
archive of a PPT file.
-- David Drinnan, VE9FK, via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA