RAC Bulletin 110108
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 8, 2011
1. Nova Scotia Special Prefixes
From February 1 through February 28, Nova Scotia amateurs are
authorized to use prefix CJ1 for VA1, and CK1 for VE1. This is to
commemorate the 2011 Canada Games in Nova Scotia.
-- RAC Special Events Database
2. Lockport, NY Hamfest
The Lockport Amateur Radio Association will hold its 50th annual
hamfest on Saturday, January 29, at the South Lockport Fire Hall,
Route 78 and Ruhlman Rd. in Lockport NY, about 33 km east of Niagara
Falls. For more information visit www.lara.hamgate.net
-- Ontario Swap Shop
3. 2010 Yasme Awards Announced
The Yasme Excellence Awards are given to individuals who through
their own service, creativity, effort and dedication, have made a
significant contribution to Amateur Radio. Among this year's winners
is Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA, who developed DX Atlas, Morse Runner,
Ham-CAP, CW Skimmer, Rocky and other innovative software. For more
information visit tinyurl.com/yasme-2010
-- ARRL Web
4. Sunspot Forecast Reduced
The good news is that there were more sunspots observed in 2010.
The bad news is that experts continue to reduce their predictions for
the next solar cycle.
The latest forecast is for a peak average of 64 sunspots, now
expected in July of 2013. Three years ago those scientists predicted
a peak in the range of 130-140 sunspots. This means fewer and weaker
band openings on 15 and 10 metres.
-- Radio-Sport.net
5. CW Ringtones for your cell phone
Tom Hart, AD1B, has made "CQ" and "QRZ" ringtones for cell phones.
Download the free MP3 files at tinyurl.com/cw-ringtones
-- ARRL Web