Primary tabs
- promote Amateur Radio in the city and surrounding area,
- provide communications for local organizations,
- and when requested - to provide emergency communications.
As well, it provides a place for like minded people to get together to discuss the common topic.....amateur radio.
Our planned meetings (ex. July and August) are held the second Wednesday of the month @ 19:30L.
December's meeting is waived in favour of the Christmas get together and Santa Fund collection.
The club sponsors two vhf repeaters and an aprs digi in the North Bay area which are listed below.
The current Executive is:
President - Paul Caccamo VA3PC
Treasurer - Chris May VA3CMX
Secretary - Kelly Shulman VE3KLX
Past President - Bill Silver VA3SPT
Directors - Bill Gibson VE3TGI and Dan Magill VE3DLL
You can find us:
HF NET - Sunday Morning 0900L - 3.768 MHz LSB.
Friday - "Clammy Soup" Lunch: - Beef&Brand Restaurant, 260 Pinewood Park Drive, North Bay @ 1145L (+/-).
VE3ERX 147.030 (+) POWASSAN {N46 03.767 W079 26.133} (IRLP/2649 ECHOLINK/239683)
VE3NFM 147.300 (+) North Bay {N46 21.107 W079 22.197}
VE3NFM-15 144.390 APRS