A great weekend!
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The past Field Day weekend was a fantastic experience for all participating. Special thanks go to each one of you, and especially to Paul, Bruce, and Bill for their special efforts in making it such a success. Everyone there helped make this a very successful event in some way.
There was lots of comradery and fun, with many radio contacts being made across North America. Each person had the opportunity to get on the air or log the call. The food was super thanks to Bill, chef extrordinaire.
We look forward to the possibility of returning this to being an annual event. Thanks for the enthusiastic response to the original suggestion by the late Norm Richardson and I, of holding FD 2012 in North Bay. Your individual support was greatly appreciated.
Field Day 2012
Although I was only able to enjoy it on Saturday, it was a great event.
Thanks Doug for finishing the event planning. I am sure Norm was cheering us on :)
Now if you could only make the mosquitos go away it would have been perfect!
FD 2012
Thanks for the kudos Paul. Everyone did their part to make it a success. We will debrief in September, but there have been a few tidbits generated already by some of the others... Bruce mentioned lighting for the overnight tables, I want to ensure we have 3x the number of picnic tables, Bill has some suggestions he is accumulating, antenna locations fine tuned, etc., so it seems there is already enthusiasm for a Field day 2013. I am happy to continue to work to make it happen.
There was good feedback from other hams who got a chance to work HF, and several felt we were well positioned to respond in an emergency should one occur. Coffee, transceiver, power supply, and antenna in that order. HiHi. We had great coverage from the skihill and it is also a good out of the first responders way location to be a relay point for citizens, etc.
Our main visitor who did come after they were all invited, was the Red Cross Disaster Emergency Coordinator, Bob Frechette. That was good to see.
See you tomorrow at Clammy Chowder or Saturday coffee at the mall.
Take care,