RAC Bulletin 120630
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 30, 2012
1. RAC Convention 2012
Radio Amateurs of Canada will hold its 2012 National Convention on
the weekend of August 10-12, at the Concordia University College of
Alberta, at 7128 Ada Boulevard, in Edmonton. There will be a solid
program of speakers and events covering all aspects of Amateur Radio.
For more information visit the web site, convention2012.rac.ca
-- RAC Events Database
2. Amateur Radio Online Service Centre
Industry Canada's new Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Services
page is up and running. Sign up, and you can access your account
online, make address changes, apply for call signs, etc. Almost all
items that required either faxing or mailing can now be done online
in real time. Have your Certificate of Proficiency with you and sign
up today, at tinyurl.com/icservice
-- The RAC Report
3. Submitting Bulletin Items
Amateur Radio groups in Ontario that wish to announce upcoming
events, or report on their activities, are invited to send brief
items to the Official Bulletin Manager email address,
obm (at) ve3rhj.net. Items should be no more than twelve lines long,
and must be received by Wednesday for the next week's bulletin,
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM
4. Milton Hamfest
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual hamfest on
Saturday, July 14, at the Milton Agricultural Fairgrounds in Milton.
General admission at 9 am; talk-in on 146.520 simplex. For more
information visit www.barc.ca.
-- RAC Events Database
5. Radio Netherlands Ends English Service
Effective June 29th, Radio Netherlands has terminated its English
language services. Both shortwave broadcasts and webstream have
ended, due to steep budget cuts imposed by the Dutch government. For
more information visit tinyurl.com/rnw2012
-- Amateur Radio Newsline