RAC Bulletin 120804
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 4, 2012
1. RAC Edmonton Conference Cancelled
The organizers of the Conference that was to be held at the Concordia
University College in Edmonton, Alberta, on 10-12 August have advised
RAC that the Conference has been cancelled.
RAC wishes to thank the organizers for their hard work in preparing
for that conference and regrets the need for the cancellation. RAC
understands that those persons who have registered are in the process
of having their registration fee refunded and that the Conference
Organizing Committee will be contacting registrants directly. If you
do not hear from the Organizers then you may wish to contact them by
email, convention2012 (at) rac.ca, or telephone 780-466-5779.
-- Linda Friars, VE9GLF, RAC Acting Corporate Secretary
2. RAC Canadian Call Sign Search
Some amateurs have contacted RAC about incorrect address information
being displayed on the "Canadian Call Sign Quick Search" on the RAC
website, or requesting that no address be displayed.
Both of these issues can only be corrected by the holder of the call
sign contacting Industry Canada at 1-888-780-3333, or via email to
spectrum.amateur (at) ic.gc.ca, or by creating a user account on the
Industry Canada website at tinyurl.com/icamateur. Industry Canada
requires amateurs to keep their address current, and offers the
option not to publish that information online.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Canadian Amateur Radio Clubs Listing
There is a listing of Canadian Amateur Radio Clubs on the RAC
website at tinyurl.com/rac-arcs. There are some clubs that have
not been updated for a few years. So, as of January 1, 2013, and
bi-annually thereafter, any club listing that has not been updated
within the last two years will be deleted.
If your club is not current and the club wishes to have their club
information listed, please contact Geoff Smith VA3GS via email,
cdnclubs (at) gmail.com.
This list is not to be confused with the RAC Affiliated Club list
which is displayed under the link "Affiliated Club Program, RAC" in
the Site Map on the RAC website.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
The 15th annual International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW)
runs 48 hours, from 0001 UTC August 18 to 2359 UTC August 19. So far
365 entrants from 38 countries have registered for this year's
event. Their objective is to promote public awareness of lighthouses
and lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, to
promote amateur radio, and to foster International goodwill. For
more information visit www.illw.net
-- Southgate ARC News and illw.net
5. I Can Work This Thing
Looking for a non-PDF manual for the Kenwood TS-590S? Web site
www.icanworkthisthing.com offers manuals for a variety of ham
equipment, in a text format accessible to the visually handicapped.
The site also has manuals for some consumer electronics, and
submissions of new manuals, cheat sheets, and quick start guides are
always welcome.
-- Handi-Ham News