Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 4, 2009
Date: Saturday, July 04, 2009 6:35 AM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 4, 2009
1. New RAC Vice-President Field Services
Effective July 1, 2009, Doug Mercer, VO1DTM, has assumed the post of
Radio Amateurs of Canada Vice President for Field Services (VPFS).
Doug replaces Sue Cooke VE3SUH, who was appointed by the RAC Board of
Directors to temporarily fill the position when former VPFS Bob
Cooke, VE3BDB, resigned to accept appointment as RAC president on
February 24, 2009. Doug's appointment as VPFS will continue until
December 31, 2009, which is the end of the current executive term. He
may be contacted by email at vo1dtm (at) RAC greatly
appreciates Sue's efforts and is grateful to her and to Doug for
ensuring that this important RAC position remains filled.
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, RAC President
2. Maritime DX Forum
The Halifax Amateur Radio Club invites DXers, contesters and HF
enthusiasts to the 6th Annual Maritime DX Forum (MDF), August 7th and
8th. The MDF will be held in the Rosaria Centre of Mount St. Vincent
University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Inexpensive accommodations are
available at the University. For more information see [1]
-- Southgate ARC News
3. Contesting Compendium
The Contesting Compendium intends to "to collect all the world's good
information about amateur radio contesting and make it accessible
from a single portal." This is a "wiki", like Wikipedia, which means
anyone can contribute information. Visit the Compendium at web site
-- ARRL Contest Update
4. ARRL Propagation Charts
Need to know what HF bands are open? If you don't have propagation
software, you can get a general idea from the monthly propagation
charts published by the ARRL. Find them in PDF format at [2]
-- ARRL Contest Update
5. Incident Command System online course
The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency is now offering an
on-line course, IS-100, on the Incident Command System. This is
a self-study course that you can take at the FEMA web site:
-- Handi-Ham News