The January 2011 NBARC meeting was called to order about 1940ET. In attendance were (apologies to anyone I missed) VE3MAA, VE3YO, VA3DLJ, KD8LWV, VE3GMG, VE3YYB, VE3XKB, VE3NLH, VE3CTT, VA3CMX, VA3PC, VA3BDR, VE3KAN, VE3YUI, VA3WAC, VE3KAA, VA3SPT.
Correspondance. We received the annual letter from the city with rates to insert an add in the Parks & Rec Guide. Still too expensive.
Treasurer Report. $2960.00 in the bank and $239.50 in petty cash. Dues are $20.00.
NETS. 2mtr net runs 0700ET-0800ET on Mondays with Dave VE3GTM at the helm. Use VE3ERX as VE3NFM is still off the air. Give Dave a quick check-in. 80mrt net runs 0900ET til check-ins run out Sundays on 3.768MHz. Paul has about 6-8 check-ins during the winter but is always looking for more.
Repeaters. VE3NFM is still off the air. Paul has cleaned it up and is going to be re-installing it when he gets a chance. In an attempt to reduce some of the interference he is going to be installing a multi-coupler duplexer. Spectrum's new tower is going to be erected at the site sometime this year. We should then get some better coverage as the antenna should be higher. VE3ERX has been working well. The Real Time Clock has been installed but Paul is awaiting a software upgrade to make it even better. Echolink/IRLP are working well.
WEBSITE. We were starting to get more requests to register that were initiated by spam bots. Paul manually authorizes all registration requests so these were caught early. In an effort to stop this Paul adjusted the spam filters. They worked so well NOBODY could register even those that really wanted to. He has since fixed the fix. If you have been trying to register and being rejected or know someone else trying try again. If that still doesn't work send Paul a note to [8] and he'll help.
ARES. Nothing new.
Hamfests. St. Catherines Feb 5th 2011. Brampton March 26th 2011. VE3YO and I believe VA3DLJ are going. Durham April 16th 2011. There are a number of us going. DAYTON HAMVENTION 2011 May 21st-22nd-23rd (May long weekend). Paul and his trailer are going again this year. Central Ontario June 5th 2011.
RAC. All the bulletins are on the website for reference. Paul updated us on the RAC Insurance. The costs are as follows... $150.00 for incorporated RAC affiliated clubs (we are both). $1.00 per club member who is also a RAC member. $12.00 per club member who is not a RAC member. Equipment loss coverage of $10.00 per $1000.00 of equipment. We are purchasing an additional $5000.00 of equipment coverage. One change is that for personal liability coverage you must be both a RAC member and a member of a RAC affiliated club. For full details check the RAC website.
Events. Nothing imminent. Summer is going to be busy again. Mark on your calenders.... Lost in The Rocks July 16th 2011 and the Mattawa Canoe Race July 23rd 2011. Nothing on Summer in the Park yet but be ready.
New Business. Nil.
Old Business. Gerry presented a report on how the donated equipment should be disposed of. To summarize the equipment will be devided into 3 packages. Package #1 will be retained by NBARC. Package #2 is divided into two parts (VHF and HF) to be donated to new amateurs who received their ticket between July 1st 2010 and March 9th 2011 (our March meeting). Package #3 will be offered for sale. NBARC members will have first access at a discount until March 9th 2011 at which time it will be offered at market value. The full report will be posted on the website for your interest.
Howard VE3GMG moved adjournment.
Our next meeting is February 9th 2011 1930ET at the OP Comm Centre. Hope to see you there.
73/Drew VE3MAF
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The NBARC February meeting was held Wednesday Feb 9/2011. The meeting was called to order at 1940 by Bill VA3SPT.
CORRESPONDENCE: TENTATIVE CANWARN training Thursday June 2nd 2011 here in North Bay.
New Hams: Mary Jane St. Onge VE3MJI. Congratulations.
NETS: 2MT; Dave is still having problems. Most check-ins are between 0700 and 0730. 80MT; Running as per normal.
REPEATERS: VE3NFM is still sitting in Paul's garage. Not sure when it is going back on the air but Paul has to find time. Paul was up to VE3ERX and checked it out. All appears normal and within limits. He is looking at adding a preamp to boost the receive signal. It might however boost the noise as well.
Echolink/IRLP: Working as per normal.
WEBSITE: The ANTI-SPAM has been updated and appears to be working well.
ARES: Nothing new locally. We are looking at trying to resume the ARES net., possibly around 0945 Saturday mornings for those headed to coffee. Is there any interest? Do you have any other suggestions? Drop us a line at... [12] and let us know your thoughts.
HAMFESTS: Jerry and Doug are headed to Brampton March 26th. We are still planning on having a van head to Durham Regional held this year April 16th in the Pickering Recreational Complex (a change of location from last year).
RAC: For all the RAC news see the website. The Insurance application and cheque are in the mail.
EVENTS: Nothing new. No updates.
NEW BUSINESS: We are looking at running a 'DXpedition" for SUMMIT OMN THE AIR (SOTA). Stay tuned for updates from Henry KD8LWV.
ADJOURNED by VE3GMG at 2030. The 50/50 draw was held. Coffee at Timmys afterwards was well attended.
March Meeting is Wednesday March 9th 2011 at 1930ET at the OPP COMM CENTRE.
Hope to see you there.
73/Drew VE3MAF
The NBARC March meeting was held Wednesday March 9th at the OPP Comm Centre and called to order about 1945ET by Bill VA3SPT. The following members were in attendance; VA3PC VE3YO KD8LWV VE3MAA VE3GMG VA3CMX (incorrectly reported as VE3CMX in original report) VA3BDR VA3SPT VA3WAC VA3DLJ VE3YUI VE3MAF.
TREASURER: More than last month.
NETS: 2 Mtr is still running Monday Mornings. We are trying a trial 0700-0730 as there are very few contacts after 0730. Unfortunately I have to report Dave's wife Jean passed away last week. Our thoughts are with Dave. 80 Mtr net is running as normal 0930 Sundays.
REPEATERS: VE3ERX is healthier. Paul changed the PA's. Time will be readjusted when Paul gets back out to the site. He still doesn't have the updated time standard. VE3NFM still U/S.
ECHOLINK/IRLP: Still working as normal.
WEBSITE: Nothing new to report.
ARES: Nothing new
HAMFESTS. Brampton March 26th. Gerry and Doug are going. There are a couple of seats available if anyone is interested. Contact Gerry VE3YO (705) 472-4099 or [13] .
Durham Regional April 16th. I'm not sure how many seats are available but I'll put out something when I know. For more check the RAC website.
CONTEST CLUB. Nothing new.
RAC. Paul read a monthly report from VE3XT Bill Unger. RAC is still trying to get the distracted driving regulations to have us exempted permanently. Insurance has been submitted. Just awaiting response.
EVENTS. Nothing new.
OLD BUSINESS. Donated equipment. Our newested licenced hams Chris and Mary Jane were the lucky hams. Chris VE3CMX gets the HF equipment and Mary Jane VE3MJI gets the VHF equipment. Thank you letters will be sent. Thanks to Gerry VE3YO for his work in cataloguing everything.
SOTA. Henry has been volunteered as Northern Ontario Regional Coordinator. Keep watch for more. We are looking at a few special club events. we are thinking of picking a contest or two to operate from different locations and have a picnic/social event at the same time.
New Business. Nothing New.
Paul had show and tell. About self support tower that lost self support.
Paul, Bruce and a couple of others have been meeting for dinner on meeting nights at various restaurants. Watch the April Meeting reminder for the location of the restaurant. All are welcome. If you have a special restaurant let us know at [12] .
Our next meeting is Wednesday April 13th 2011.
73/ Drew VE3MAF
The meeting was called to order at 1940ET by Bill Silver VA3SPT.
CORRESPONDENCE. Canadore College advertising their conference facilities.
New Hams/members. Mike Andrews VE3PME.
REPEATERS. VE3ERX time is still out by about 1:20. Paul is still awaiting the upgraded time spec software. VE3NFM is still in pieces in his garage. He is hoping to get it back together shortly.
NETS. 2M net is still running. Dave could use some more check ins. The 80M net is still quite active.
ARES. The trailer is free from the snow bank. Bill has spare tyres that he will be getting serviced.
HAMFEST. DURHAM Regional Hamfest is this coming Saturday April 16th. There are 2 seats available in the van. If you want to come meet us at Timmys (Lakeshore and Marshal) for 0500ET. Lunch will be at Haugens Chicken place on the way home. We should be back around 1600ET +/-. Start making plans for the Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th 2011 at the Garson Arena. There will be a number of us attending.
HAM COURSE. We don't run a formal course but we do offer all sorts of help. There is the website where questions can be posed. Saturday coffee at Northgate Square is another good place to get help. With enough interest ann afternoon mentoring session could be arranged. Contact us at [12] .
CONTEST CLUB. Nothing new.
EVENTS. Summer In The Park (SITP) July 29th to 31st 2011. ERIN contacted us and requested out assistance. It is expanding this year so we will be requiring more help. Paul is looking for an assistant to assist him. Motion by Chris VA3CMX to assist at SITP. Seconded by Doug VA3DLJ. Passed. The other events we normally assist at are; Lost in the Rocks and Trees (LOTR), Mattawa Canore Race, Patrick 4 Life Walkathon, MS Walkathon (May 29th), Triathlon, Hospital Walkathon and possibly the ECO RUN. Watch this space for more info as it becomes available.
RAC. Our insurance is paid in full. RAC bulletins are on the website.
OLD BUSINESS. Bill sent thank you cards to Dorthy Taylor and Pauline Burt for the equipment they donated to the club. I know the hams who received the equipment were thrilled. The club is going to be selling equipment we no longer have a use for. When the inventory is complerted a list will be posted on the website Club members will have first chance at the posted equipment at a substantial discount from the listed price. Unsold equipment will be taken to a hamfest (probably the Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th) and offered there. Watch this space for more info. Drew VE3MAF moved and Paul VA3PC seconded to dispose of the old ONAN genny. Passed. Chris VA3CMX will look after it. There are also a couple of 12VDC and 24VDC sataicons to dispose of. Watch this space for updated info.
NEW BUSINESS. The Ontario QSO Party runs Satrurday/Sunday. The exchange consists of a signal report (59) and your district or county (Nipissing Parry Sound etc). It is a relaxed contest and a great one to get your feet wet with. If you want more info or clarification drop Paul [8] a line as he knows it all.
We adrourned at 2055ET. A short video clip on teh Brampton HAMEX Hamfest followed. No 50/50 draw at Bruce was away.
The May 11th NBARC meeting was called to order at 1940ET by Bill Silver VA3SPT. Present were VE3XKB VA3PC VA3BDR VA3DLJ VE3ELD VE3YO VE3GMG VA3CMX VA3WAC VA3SPT VE3MAF.
CORRESPONDNCE: Lost in the Rocks and Trees (LOTR) will be July 16th this year. They have added a 30K option this year but all the rest is the same. We will be there.
EVENTS: We have a number of events coming up. Check he NBARC website EVENT LIST for updated info. If you are able to assist indicate your attendence on the website or send an e-mail to [12] and it will be forwarded. This helps the coordinator set-up the event. Dayton Hamvention May 20-22. Paul, Bruce and Keeling are leaving early Wednesday morning. There may even be a seat available. Contact Paul [8] if interested. MS Walkathon May 29th. CANWARN June 2nd. Patrick 4 Life June 12th. Field Day June 25th/26th. Triathlon July 3rd. LOTR July 16th. Mattawa Canoe Race July 23rd. Summer in the Park July 29th-31st. Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th.
New hams/members: NIL
NETS: 2mt net. Very quiet last Monday. 80mt net. Sill percolating along as normal.
REPEATERS: VE3NFM. No evidence of mice in the shack. Paul has the repeater and controller working but he power supply is u/s. He is also putting together a mulitcoupler which he hopes will reduce interference. The updated time server software has come through, Paul will be updating both repeaters when able. VE3ERX and ECHOLINK/IRLP are working well. Paul is going to put an APRS digi up at the VE3ERX site. Stay tuned for further updates.
WEBSITE: All is well and looking good.
ARES: The spare tyre for the trailer now holds air even if it is still in the back of Bill's truck.
HAMFESTS: Dayton this coming May long weekend. Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th 2011. For more see the RAC website.
CONTEST CLUB: Nothing new.
RAC: Paul gave a director's report. RAC will be at Dayton booth 478. For more see the NBARC website.
OLD BUSINESS: The NBARC Equipment for Sale list has been generated. Paid up NBARC club members get 50% off until the June 8th 2011 meeting and should have received a copy of the list by now. Contact Paul if you haven't received a copy. 1st come. 1st served. CASH ONLY. AS IS. After that all remaining equipment will go on the open market. Contact Doug VA3DLJ by e-mail [16] for further.
NEW BUSINESS: Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th 2011 in Garson. Moved by Drew, seconded by Paul. NBARC will get 2 tables. NBARC members will be allowed to use the table to sell personal equipment. A donation of 10% of sales to help NBARC defray costs. There are a number of us planning on going. There is even talk of descending on the Red Lobster for lunch afterwards. Stay tuned for more info and make plans to attend. It will be fun. There was a discussion about having a club picnic/gathering AFTER the bugs and BEFORE the snow (if we can pick the weekend). We are looking at August 21st with a raindate of September 11th (subject to ammendment). The Temagami Fire Tower site has been suggested and has plenty of room. Doug is checking in to permission/restrictions. Stay tuned and keep checking the website for updates.
Howard VE3GMG moved adjournment at 2045.
73/Drew VE3MAF
The June 8th 2011 NBARC meeting was called to order at 1935ET. In attendance were VE3GMG, VE3XKB, VE3NLH, VA3PC, VE3KAN, VE3LOR, VA3DLJ, VE3YO, VE3MAF, VA3CMX, VE3KAA, VA3SPT, John Barry.
Correspondence: A letter from the city about taking an ad in the leisure guide. Too expensive. Paul was in touch with Erin about radios for Summer in the Park. He and Chris will be meeting with her to finalize details.
Treasurer Report: nil
New Hams/members: nil
Repeaters: VE3NFM needs a new power supply as all the smoke has leaked out of the old one. Paul has one but hasn't had a chance to install it yet. He is hoping to have a chance sometime on the weekend. He has replaced the duplexer with a multi-coupler. This should reduce interference. VE3ERX is working well. Paul is hoping to get a chance to upgrade the time module and reset the time.
Nets: 2MTR. nothing heard recently. 80MTR. Still going strong. There have been a few different contollers as Paul has been busy/out of town.
ARES: Nothing new locally. Ontario ARES has incorporated and has applied for RAC affiliation.
Hamfest: Northern Ontario Hamfest is September 24th 2011 in Garson. We have a delegation going. Norm will book the two club tables. Join us and have fun.
RAC: It has been a quiet month.
Events: SITP; Paul and Chris have a meeting June 9th. Patrick4Life; June 12th. 0800-1200. Triathlon; July 3rd. LOTR; July 16th All day event. Mattawa Canoe Race; July 23rd. Again all day. SITP; July 29th-31st. ECO Challenge September 24th. Conflicts with the Northern Ontario Hamfest. We have a few volunteers. Please sign up for any event by clicking the " attend this event " link on the website for the event OR send an e-mail to the club mailbox [12] so the coordinators know what ham power they have available. The sooner you sign up the easier it is for them to set-up.
Old Business: It is unlikely we will be able to sell the old ONAN genny we have. It does serve a purpose as it helps balance the trailer and holds the front down. The club still has a guyed tower lying in my backyard.
New Business: FIELD DAY June 25th-26th. We have nothing else planned. If there is enough interest we will participate. We are looking a small less popular sites that don't require paperwork or money. The Temagami Fire Tower site and Callandar Park have been suggested. Any other location suggestions?? Please let Doug know if you will be attending (even for only a little while) [16] or [12] by Sunday June 12th at the latest as time is short to get things set-up and it can't be done without HAMS.
The meeting was adjourned at 2030. There are no meetings in July or August. The next meeting will be September 14th 2011.
73 Drew/VE3MAF
The NBARC September meeting was held Wednesday September 14th 2011 in the OPP COMM Centre. The meeting was called to order about 1940ET by Bruce VA3BDR.
In attendance were, VA3BDR, VA3PC, VE3YO, VE3KAN, VA3DLJ, VE3XKB, VE3KAA, VE3DLL, VE3MAF.
TREASURER: Bank Balance is up to date. Received money from the sale of club equipment from Doug VA3DLJ.
No new hams. We would like to welcome Bob VE3MF as a new member.
2 MTR net: Nothing new. There are a number of hams on Monday morning between 0700ET-0800ET on their way to work. Give a call and see who is around.
80 MTR net. Gerry VE3YO has been running it for the last few weeks. He is getting between 6-8 check ins with a high of about 11. Paul VA3PC will be very happy to get all his house renovations finished and back to running the net. He hopes it will be soon.
The new tower that VE3NBC will be residing on is basically complete. They are in the process of transferring the commercial antennas. Ours should be transfered within a month (hopefully). there will be a short outage while the transfer takes place.
Echolink/IRLP are working well.
The website is still running nicely. Paul VA3PC keeps it up to date. We are investigating getting out own NBARC domain name. Further discussion at the October meeting.
September 24th 2011 (a week Saturday) id the Northern Ontario Hamfest in Garson. The club has reserved 2 tables. There will be space on the tables for personal sales but 10% of sales will be donated to the club. There are a number of us going to the hamfest. I have 2, possibly more seats available in my van. Drop a line to [12] if you are looking for a ride. I'm sure we can find a spare seat somewhere.
Contest Club. Nil
RAC. Paul VA3PC read a couple of RAC bulletins. They are all available on the website. It looks like we will be getting access to the 60M band (5MHz) in the future.
Summer in the Park went well and the organizers appear to be happy.
THE RUN OFF THE GRID is being held September 24th 2011 and our assistance has been requested. Unfortunately this conflicts with the Northern Ontario Hamfest in Garson and most of our members will be there. This is a request for volunteers. We need about 5-6 volunteers. If you can volunteer and are willing to volunteer PLEASE drop me a line at [12] BY SUNDAY. I will be letting TZACH know Sunday night if we are able to assist or not.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday October 12th at 1930ET at the OPP COMM Center. I won't be there as I will be on holidays so someone else will have to take notes.
73/Drew VE3MAF
Meeting called to order @ 19:40 in the PCC Meeting Room with the following present: VA3PC, VE3XKB, VA3DLJ, VE3YO, VA3CMX, VE3KAN, VA3WAC, VE3KAA, VA3SK, VE3TGI, and VA3SPT.
Correspondence: RAC Insurance renewal forms were received, as well as two thank you letters (and donations - thanks very much) from the Kiwanis Club (Triathlon) and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (Canoe Race).
Bruce was unavailable (and so was his Treasurer's Report).
New Hams in the area - NIL
Reports: Net - HF - average about 8 checkins, VHF - pretty quiet since Dave has been absent.
Repeater - new tower has been completed on tower drive, our antenna will be moved over before spring.
ARES - Trailer back at Drew's place and HF antenna has been re-attached. Spare tire is in trailer, but needs repair.
S.E.T. will be held this Saturday 15th of October if anyone can participate.
Fleamarket report - Smaller turnout at the Northern Ontario Flea this year, but more varied equipment was noticed. Much more room at the new venue and better access for people to offload (same level). Jerry turned over the proceeds of NBARC equipment sales to Bill for forwarding to Bruce.
RAC News - Paul read the monthly Director's report. VE3XT still looking for support letters re Distracted Driving campaign. - a Delegation will be meeting with the Deputy Minister and other officials soon.
Events: Hospital Walk/Run will be held this Sunday - starts about 09:30 - Bill has 5 volunteers and would like a couple more if possible.
Contact him at [19] if you can volunteer. He'll be sending out further info on Saturday night.
Contest Club: Ken brought us up to date with the Contest site happenings.
Old Business: NIL
New Business: Possible dates for Holiday get together this year is 1st or 8th of December. Paul will put a poll on the website to indicate preference. Poll will close after the November meeting.
Howard was not available tonight, so Jerry acted on his behalf at approximately 20:50
50/50 draw and adjourment to Timmy's McKeown for refreshments.
Until next time - 73 de VA3PC
The NBARC November 2011 meeting wes held Wednesday November 9, 2011 and was called to order by Bill VA3SPT at 1940ET.
Correspondence: CNIB requesting donations. We will donate $100.00.
Treasurer: We have had several donations from events we participated in and several 2012 dues.
New Members: Marc VA3OWL
2 mtr net: Limited avtivity. Will re-evaluate in the new year. Is there anyone willing to run the net?
80 mtr net: 14 check-ins last week. Paul should be back next week.
Repeaters: Both VE3ERX and VE3NFM are working well. Paul will be resetting the time when he gets a chance. He also has the new software to improve accuracy.
Echolink/IRLP: Are working well.
Website: Looking good. Paul will register for 10 years as our own URL.
ARES: CEMPC meeting had low attendance. Next meeting is January 19th 2012.
Hamfests: A number of us attended the York Regional Hamfest in Markham. It was a good time. The pulled pork sandwich for lunch was great.
Contest Club: Nothing new.
RAC Winter Contest: Will be held December 17th-18th this year. This is a low stress high fun contest. Give it a try.
RAC: Paul gave a reoprt outlining some of the proposed changes. Check the website for all bulletins and correspondence.
DUES: The 2012 membership dues are now due. Due to the face that the RAC Insurance charges us different rates for RAC members vs non RAC members we have changed our dues as follows. RAC members $20.00. Non RAC members $30.00. This reflects the $10.00 surcharge RAC Insurance applies to club members who are not RAC members as well.
EVENTS: The Hospital Walk/Run went well. There was a lot of new territory to cover. We had 5-6 members out but with the new territory we could use a few more next year.
The NBARC CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held Thursday December 1st 2011 at Kings Buffet. 1800ET for meet and greet. 1900ET dinner. Donations to the Santa Fund as we did last year. If you are planning on attending please let us know so we know what to expect [12]. If you aren't sure and find you are able to attend just come on out. There is always room. I'll send out another reminder closer to the date.
Nothing new on the 60M band.
VE3GMG moved adjournment 2030ish. 50/50 draw followed.
The NBARC Christmas Party was held December 1, 2011 at The King's Buffet. There was a good turnout (I didn't count)and all had a good time (some ate too much). We managed to raise $245.00 for the Santa Fund.
Our January meeting will be held Wednesday January 11th 2012 at the OPP Comm Centre. Doors open at 1915ET. We have already been asked to do The Run off the Grid this year. It is scheduled for Saturday September 29th, 2012. The TENTATIVE date for the Northern Ontario Flea Market is Saturday September 15th, 2010. Mark both dates on your calendar.
I'll send around another note or two reminding you about the January meeting and include our dinner spot when we figure out where it is going to be.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.
73/Drew VE3MAF
I am going to the site to check the repeater. It seems a little "hard of hearing."
It will be off the air for a while when I check the performance before I do some tweaking (if needed).
I may also adjust the transmit power again if its needed.
Just a little heads up.
73, Paul - VA3PC
I was at both sites yesterday and updated the controller firmware, and changed the times to UTC.
I also discovered that the controller programming software had a setting to indicate that the controller had a Real Time Clock.
Well needless to say, I never saw that item before! (its now set).
The repeaters will reload their clocks on Saturday morning between 9 and 10 am (hopefully).
The antenna at NFM is still on the old tower, and the new tower is quite a bit higher.
There was no evidence of furry little creatures either.
I also placed our styrofoam blockers in the vents to keep out most of the snow.
An interior light would be nice too. We should clean up the shack and area in the spring and paint the exterior to spruce it up and prevent further deterioration.
I am sure that I have to return to the sites sometime to make further programming changes, so just log in and attach any notes you may have to this message (I've enabled comments).
Paul, VA3PC