1) 15 HAMs attended the January 14th meeting.
2) We have $1687.88 in the bank account.
3) NETS. The 2M net is running well Monday Mornings. Dave VE3GTM has been concentrating on using VE3ERX. The 80M net runs on Sundays. Paul VA3PC is getting generally 8-10 checkins.
We had a good meeting in January with 13 hams in present. Our regular meeting room was unavailable so we sat in the common room. Except for being a few chairs short it was very comfortable.
va3pc - 2008, December 7 - 20:22
va3pc - 2008, December 7 - 20:19
A special ARES workshop session will be presented entitled "Incident Management - Reactions and Professional Services Response". This will be a form of 'table top' exercise allowing us to be better informed about reactions and how we may be a support as ARES members in North Bay.
va3pc - 2008, December 7 - 20:17
Meeting Topic: Show and Tell. Bring an amateur related accessory you have designed or built to the meeting and show it off!
va3pc - 2008, December 7 - 14:29