Information related to NBARC

Apple Ipad and K5EHX Repeater map

The K5EHX Repeater map is now working with the Apple Ipad - thanks Tom!


Site Notification Hiccups!

The site had the hiccups! It turns out that a scheduling job went awry, and churned out some extra emails.  I think it has been fixed now.
If any further problems are detected, drop me a quick note.
Thanks;  73
Paul, VA3PC


Canwarn 2010 Documentation

Here is some documentation released by Geoff Coulson from Environment Canada.


RAC Bulletin 100410

RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 10, 2010


100124 APRS I-Gate on the air.

Well after a few frustrating days, its off and crawling (my forehead may take a week to recover). I finally tracked down the last bit of info I needed to implement the software. The TNC now resides on the echoIRLP box connected to the serial port. I've temporarily used my top VHF antenna until I can get a side mount installed in the spring. The I-Gate software is java based - javAPRSSrvr written by Pete AE5PL.


CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS and Memorandum of Association v8 2010-Jan

The attachments consist of the documents and updates as discussed in Wednesday's meeting: 1> Memorandum of Association - to be filed with the incorporation papers to the Ont. government 2> Constitution and By-Laws - are an internal document that govern the operation of the club. If you print both parts it runs to about 20 pages. Thanks to Bruce va3bdr for his hard work (and those other sites I borrowed from!) Paul



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