3) NETS. The 2M net is running well Monday Mornings. Dave VE3GTM has been concentrating on using VE3ERX. The 80M net runs on Sundays. Paul VA3PC is getting generally 8-10 checkins.
The NBARC November meeting was held Wednesday November 12th 2008 with 17 hams in attendance. They were Doug VA3DLJ, Gerry VE3YO, Evelyn VE3MAA, Dan VE3YUI, Keeling VE3XKB, Pual VA3PC, Nelson VA3NDJ, Martin VE3FAT, John VA3LGS, Lori VE3LOR, Howard VE3GMG, Derek VE3KAA, Candy VE3SCN, John VA3OZ, Bill VA3WAC, Bill (president for life) VA3SPT, and myself. Bruce VA3BDR was on a well deserved vacation. We hope he enjoyed it although we did miss him.
I wonder if this will make it through the spam filters with that title?
Tower is down and stored thanks to Gerry - VE3YO, Bill - VA3SPT, Dan -
VE3YUI, Norm - VE3NLH, and especially Darryl - VA3RDC.
Also to Troy who came out on a day off and opened up the gate.
Paul - VA3PC
The NBARC October meeting was held Wednesday Oct 8/08 at the usual place. A minor glitch occured as the codes for the door locks had been changed and we had not been notified. We did get in with a minor delay however. The following hams were in attendance; VA3SPT, VA3BDR, VE3YO, VA3DLJ, VA3WAC, VE3YUI, VE3MAF, VA3PC, VE3MAA, VE3LOR and Norm VE3NLH was visiting from Englehart.
We had a good meeting. In attendance were Bill VA3SPT, Bill VA3WAC, Bruce VA3BDR, Doug VA3DLJ, Gerry VE3YO, Ev VE3MAA, Howard VE3GMG, Dan VE3YUI. Lori VE3LOR joined us for coffee.
We had a good meeting Wednesday June 11th 2008 with 10 hams in attendance. Bernie VA3STX assured me he would have been there except for the piece of metal in his leg.
1) Paul VA3PC mentioned that Russ VE3INZ has bought a house in the area. I'm sure we will be hearing more from Russ after he gets moved in.
This is what I remember as temporary acting occasional (just because I
was there) recording dude.
Meeting called to order @ 19:31 by Bruce, VA3BDR
Treasurer's Report: We have money - more after tonight's dues added.
(Don't ask for a balance just yet, Bruce is working on it!)
Old Business: WX Radios - Bill VA3SPT reported a shipping snag. He
will let us know when he returns from March Break.
Nets: VHF - Interference - VE3ERX Repeater checked and receiver had