08-05 May Meeting Report

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We had a good meeting. Bill VA3SPT was canoeing in Killbear Provincial Park. We hope he wasn't too wet.
Paul VA3PC is going to swap out the antenna on VE3NFM to see if that helps with a few of the receive problems. Some days it works well. Other days the receive signals break up constantly. He also gave a quick report on his trip out to Thundering Bay. He was able to give the Manitoba Repeater group a number of repeaters for use. He also brought home lotsa stuff to store in his garage. He also worked the Ontario QSO party while he was on the road.
The 2M and 80M nets are running along nicely. The frequency 14.280MHz is being used for hurricane/typhoon and earthquake relief nets and all amateurs not directly involved are requested to leave the frequency clear.
Our website is being hosted by Keeling VE3XKB. There haven't been any changes at this time. The web address is http://checkpost.ca/radio/  . If you have any suggestions or stories/pictures etc please send them along to Keeling at k.little@cogeco.ca .
Paul VA3PC is also SLOWLY working on the 70cm and 6M portions of VE3NFM.
The Corbeil Contest Club is looking at having a couple of work days. The first would be in June sometime. It would involve general site cleanup, getting the 40M antenna down off the tower, renewing coax etc. The second will be later in the summer after Ken VA3SK has the antenna rebuilt when it will have to go up the tower again. If Ken sends me dates I'll send them along to you. You have to come out and see the place at least once.
Doug VA3DLJ got a quick update on our CANWARN ID cards. The aren't being given the funds for the cards. They have all our names and numbers on file and when they finally get the funding they will send us the cards. If you do call in let them know that you are CANWARN trained and give them your name and phone number. Paul VA3PC has some visor cards that he will be bringing to the June Meeting and they have the appropriate CANWARN phone number and information.
The club elected to help provide communications for the MS Super Cities Walkathalon. It is being held a week Sunday on May 25th from about 0900 to 1300. Breakfast and lunch are being served for volunteers. 6-8 people are required to help. Please let Bill VA3SPT silver@ontera.net 705-476-4752 or me know. Bill will get back to you with the appropriate information.
Erin Vaughan Community Events Facilitator and Jared Dupuis Summer in the Park Programmer gave us a talk on Summer in the Park. They are keeping it basically the same as last year. the hours of operation are Friday August 1 1600-2100 and Saturday/Sunday August 2/3 1100-2100. They are having a major announcement today Thursday at 1300. The media has been invited so listen to the radio. Their new website will also be up and running at that time. If you are volunteering you can either download the VolunteerForm.pdf, fill it in and give it to Keeling or fill in the electronic version on the web. Let Keeling know when you will be able to work and he'll set up the schedule.
We have a busy summer season coming up. I will be sending out more bulletins looking for help. Come out an help at an event or two. They sure are lotsa fun.