100507 Emergency Preparedness Week 2010 Display
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Emergency Preparedness Week runs May 3rd through May 8th. NBARC is going to have a display table set up in Northgate Square Friday/Saturday May 7th/8th. We need people to staff it for a few hours each and this is a good way to bring ham radio into public attention. Unfortunately my boss wants my body at work. Doug VA3DLJ is organizing it. He is looking for volunteers for Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday. He will be setting up Friday morning and taking it down Saturday afternoon. You will meet the public and answer questions about amateur radio. Doug is going to be bringing some equipment which he is hoping to demonstrate. If you have equipment or a computer with an amateur radio related program feel free to bring it along and then take it home with you. no equipment will be left unattended at the display. If you can help please drop Doug a line at va3dlj@yahoo.ca and let him know when you would be available and for how long. He will do up a mini schedule and then confirm with you.
73/Drew VE3MAF