2011 Summer in the Park Report
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Well, another SiTP has passed, and thanks to those who helped out with the setup, teardown and operations, NBARC was able to perform its function as liaison between the various groups at the festival. The only casualty this year was the spare tire on the trailer - but don't worry, its only flat on the bottom!
This year we used 3 base stations, monitored 52 portable radios and four commercial UHF channels (3 simplex and 1 repeater). We were operational from Friday morning through Sunday evening breaking each night around 11 p.m. and reconvening about 8:30 the following morning.
Most dispatch calls were of the medical type - requesting ambulance to attend. Other traffic was mostly co-ordination to service facilities, or to request security personnel attend a situation.
Things were quite hectic Friday night when the storm front roared through the area. I'm not sure anyone will hang a banner on a construction fence again! Sunday night we were treated to a spectacular lightning show above the escarpment during the movie. At times I thought someone had parked an ambulance on the overpass, the sky was lit up so regularly.
We kept the coffee pot going at the Command Post, and Kimberly Tait (our acting Head Honcho) made sure we had enough meal vouchers and King Kone coupons for dessert.
Thanks to Colleen Charland, Howard VE3GMG, Derek VE3KAA, Candy VE3SCN, Gerry VE3YO, Dan VE3YUI, Chris VE3YYB, Bruce VA3BDR, Chris VA3CMX, Doug VA3DLJ, and those I've inadvertently missed.
Remember: to predict the weather front arrival - forget about the internet radar feed and look out the window you ^%$#(*&&^%.