Lost in the Rocks and Trees

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 Hi Folks
I still have not received answer to a few of my questions?
late years race?
1) Did we use the repeater or was it simplex?
2) which check point would you like to work at?
Betty and I will be working out of check point 2 or 3 which ever one is not taken.
You will need a truck to get into cp 2... cp 3 I do believe is acessable by car if you are careful.
so far this is what I have set up:
Start / Finish: Drew VE3MAF, Lori VE3LOR,
Check point 1: VE3GMG, VA3BDR
Check point 2: VA3SPT, Betty Silver.
Check point 3:Keegan Smith, VA3DLJ????????
Check point 4: N/A
Check point 5: Murphy's Road and Highway 533 , Keeling VE3XKB, Gerry VE3YO
This is not written in stone, but I would like to hear where you would like to be, which check point.
Who would feel comfortable going into check point #3..... does anyone else have a truck or can we set up a radio set up that can be taken in by by LRT truck?
Also please bring a insulated cooler/ bag to take your lunch out to the cp.
It is going to be HOT, please bring, HAT, chair, drinks, sun screen to keep yourself comfortable.