Lost in the Rocks Update
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As Bill will be away enjoying(?) his family wedding, I have updated the map with what I believe are the checkpoint lats/longs.
I have printed out 6 of them and will bring them to Mattawa for Saturday. If we get any additional volunteers, I'll print out a
few more. (Let me know if you will be attending) The map is in archive/documentation/2010 Lost etc.
The long course race (112km) gets underway at 09:00 and the short course (61km) gets underway at 10:00 -
that means we don't have to get up really early.
So far on the list is VA3PC, VE3GMG, VA3BDR, KD8LWV, VA3SK, Keegan & Trevor, and VE3XKB.
I propose we get together at 08:00 at the start/finish (off Hwy533) in order to confirm coverage into the repeater.
(It should be good based on the tests Bill, Betty and I did last week).
That should leave us enough time to get to the checkpoints for the 09:00 start.
Bring Drinks & Eats, Chairs, Clipboard, Sunscreen, Flystuff, Umbrella? - something to read, etc.
Any other suggestions, please fire them my way.
73 and see you on Saturday. -- Paul, VA3PC