Nature's Harmony Eco Race 2010 - Followup
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Nature's Harmony Eco Race 2010
25k and 50k Race
NBARC provided radio communications at three checkpoints and the Start/Finish. Amateurs present were Chris VA3CMX, Doug VA3DLJ, Gerry VA3YO and Henry KD8LWV. With spotty access into the Mattawa 147.15+ repeater, simplex on 146.52 was used for the race.
Organizers were attempting their first race (although they had been involved with the 2010 Lost in the Rocks and Trees).
There were 23 runners for the 25k and two runners for the 50k. The race organizers expected to begin the race at 8:00, and to continue as late as 16:00.
In addition to volunteers at the Start/Finish, 3 aid stations were planned with tarps, food and beverages at each.
A trained Wilderness First aid volunteer was available.
How it went
The start was pushed back to 8:40; the first 25k runner finished in 2:22:30 hours elapsed time and the last 50k runner in 6:47:03 hours elapsed time.
Volunteers at checkpoints forwarded on each runner to the next checkpoint as they arrived.
No accidents were reported, and checkpoints worked to communicate the positions of runners to the Start/Finish.
Checkpoint 3 cleared by 14:30, Checkpoint 2 by 15:00, and Checkpoint 1 by 15:40.
Trails were well marked and in good condition.
Radio communication proved reliable, aside from some antenna problems at the Start/Finish and battery drain as the day went on.
Hot soup and coffee was brought out to checkpoints between 12:00-13:00.
Due to concern about hunters using nearby Crown land for practice shooting, Checkpoint 2 was moved to the entrance to the gravel pit.
Gerry VA3YO was initially stationed at another location where he could direct runners between Checkpoints 2 and 3.
At the Start/Finish, battery power was an issue with the official timekeeping devices, knocking out both a laptop and a GPS device.
Weather varied between checkpoints and throughout the day; an abnormal weather pattern lowered temperatures at times, and rain showers early on cleared up for most of the race.
Great prizes afterward for runners and volunteers. A good time was had by all.
1. Ensuring that all checkpoints are staffed with volunteers prior to the start of the race.
2. Timekeeping devices should be as simple as possible, redundant and self-powered.
4. Non-radio volunteers should keep track of runner times through checkpoints for planning use at subsequent events. Also, in case runner is missing that information can be relayed to Start/Finish.
3. Checkpoint 2 could require an additional checkpoint where initially placed, to guide runners on where to turn off Snake Creek Road between Checkpoints 2 and 3.
5. A large sign at the original CP2 could have aided runners as well as advertised our presence to hunters.
6. A folding triangle style general "RACE ON GROUNDS TODAY" or similar sign at the base of Snake Creek Rd with additional info posted (ie map of run and info poster) may have also served to warn hunters away and could be used for multiple events.
7. Additional signage or fully taped race lanes may be recommended in areas where the course has two paths within proximity or makes a hard change off a major path (ie. where Gerry was located at first on Snake Creek Road).
8. There was a mention from a few runners that the short leg between S/F and CP1 became hard to follow later in the day as marker tape was damaged throughout the day.
Nature's Harmony email followup from Sept 29:
Nature's Harmony email followup from Sept 29:
Hello everyone,
We would like to thank everyone from the organizers, volunteers, sponsors and most importantly our 2010 participants for making this first year an incredible success. Everything was great – from the organization to the trails and scenery, to the food and prizes and of course the people – all of this added up to an unforgettable experience.
As well, a special thanks to ‘Go Off the Grid’ in North Bay, a company that provides alternative energy solutions, who donated $215 to fully offset the carbon emissions that were estimated to be created by this year’s event in the assessment done by Sustainable Travel International. As a result of this generous donation, the 2010 Run Off-the-Grid race was a completely carbon neutral event.
And it seems that after this weekend, the Run Off-the-Grid is not only the ‘race with the smallest footprint’ – but, we can also claim the most remote run and the longest run in Northern Ontario. That’s super exciting!
We look forward to doing it all over again next year!
All the best,
Jen & Tzach