Nature's Harmony Eco Race - Sept. 25th
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*** Note: We (NBARC) have now (Saturday, Sep 11th) been requested by Harmony Haven to provide communications for their event.
Please sign up on the event page to indicate your interest. Thanks.. Paul, VA3PC ***
As a followup to an issue was raised at the meeting last night; whether there is sufficient interest in attending the first running of the Nature's Harmony Eco Race in Mattawa three Saturdays from now, September 25th.
From the information posted at the website, there will be aid stations every 5 km, and those runners doing 50 km will be looping the course, so it would appear that we'll need at least 5 radio operators out there to have a radio at each checkpoint to cover everything (assuming the repeater is available and the course is similar to the Lost in the Rocks course...).
If you are available and interested in attending, please do sign up using the "will attend" button on the NBARC website event posting.
Here is a link to the Nature's Harmony Ecolodge race website.
I'm in. Sounds like fun.
I'm in. Sounds like fun.
More information supplied by Henry KD8LWV
Also I have put the PDF and png of the map route into the archive / documentation / Mattawa Cross Country folder
This is the preliminary course as seen using Google Earth --
Google maps also lets you access kml and kmz files if you paste the
kmz link into the map search bar.,-78.806301&sspn=0.06772,0.187025&ie=UTF8&ll=46.395608,-78.807077&spn=0.034755,0.068946&t=h
Topo flyover
One cool feature of the new Google Earth version 5 is the Show Elevation Profile option... I did a screen capture of a flyover of the course (using the open source Camstudio program as the record feature is only in Google Earth Pro)
Link to high def youtube video