North Bay Triathalon - June 28th
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I received this from Bill.
Hi Folks
The North Bay Triathlon is June 28th.
I am looking for a few volunteers to help out with this event.
A few of the regulars (including myself) will be out of town and I really need help with this one.
SO I need YOU!
If you can help out please let me know ASAP please. or 476-4752.
This is morning event and is usually over by noon.
Bill will be setting it up so it will be ready to run. Unfortunately my boss wants my body at work but I'll be there in spirits.
If you don't get out often now is the time to help.
VHF NET - Monday Morning 0700L - 0800L. VE3ERX/VE3NFM. Net controller - DAVE VE3GTM
HF NET - Sunday Morning 0900L - ??. 3.768MHz LSB (+/- QRM). Net controller - Paul VA3PC
COFFEE - Saturdays at NorthGate Square. 1000L-1100L (+/-). In front of A & W
VE3ERX 147.030 (+) (PL 107.2) POWASSAN {N46 03.767 W079 26.133} (IRLP/2649 ECHOLINK/239683)
VE3NFM 147.300 (+) (PL 107.2) North Bay {N46 21.107 W079 22.197}
VE3NFM-15 144.390 APRS