October Trillium Committee Mtg Summary
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1. Discussion of new mandate resulting from club October meeting affecting timeline - Items needed from club asap - discussion led by Doug
-info request was forwarded to the club executive Oct. 9th .
Bruce returned Constitution and By-Laws copies immediately.
Bruce has the last Annual report available for the OTF now.
New executive list will be available immediately after the club elections
Bruce (club exec rep) and Doug (comm.. rep) will begin online registration as soon as Mission Statement available.
Drew and Bill leading brainstorming session at next meeting: Drew will announce the item in upcoming meeting announcement.
- Motion amended during club mtg. – Rick
Discussion re fact that the motion revision should have come back to the committee prior to new vote at club level… all agreed, and felt that by updating club members at future meetings of progress by committee they could be properly included in that development toward the common goal.
More structure needs to be added to meetings with agendas followed, and minutes taken to help in follow-up by members.
- Budget revisions to reduce fund raising needs to zero – Doug
Review of each budget line reduced monthly need to ~ $600 annually
(Notes circulated during meeting of details)… all agreed.
2. Recommend motion be taken to club mtg in new business.
Discussion led us to plan for January committee mtg update to include motion to move ahead with application stage, given progress by then on Registration, trailer search, letters of support, etc.
3. OTF Step one and two for registration (not part of the application stage) info. and "club rep with decision making powers needed" reviewed by Doug
Bruce (club Treasurer) and Doug will team up to begin registration process once Mission Statement is drafted by club
4. Trailer specs tender prep in line with OTF expectations – door width 34 inch minimum, ramp angle discussed
Rick will forward tender specs we have so far.
Rick will check out brake info re surge, electric, or not equipped
5. On site trailer visits – Bill and Drew
Several locations checked by Bill and Rick… will continue to check out Via, Misko, Jenson and others in the next few months
Friday Oct. 24 (0700 departure from Northgate) Bruce, Drew, Keeling, and Bill will travel to Via Trailers in Bolton to gain more info on trailers… pics, specific option data, floor plan ideas, and prices
6. Public relations preparations for outreach - Doug
- 8 page list of groups, departments and activities available
- need to develop a sample letter for the prospective supporter to write on our behalf to OTF asap
- based on samples from Georgetown and Brampton ARCs.
- need to make contacts asap after January club mtg
Next meeting – November 26th (fourth week)
December - could we meet Dec 17th to prep for Jan. club mtg?
Plan for online round table meetings for January, February and March and face to face as needed. (over coffee at the mall or whatever)