RAC Bulletin 100213
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 13, 2010
1. OPN Net Control Stations Wanted
Due to winter holidays and medical issues, the Ontario Phone Net
(OPN) has an immediate need for 4 Net Control Operators. Each
position is for one shift a week. Two are full time positions, one a
5-week temporary posting, and one is an 8-week temporary posting.
The OPN currently meets daily at 1600 Eastern Time, on 3742 kHz.
If you would like to help out, please email opnreport (at) gmail dot
-- Bob Sharp, VA3QV, OPN Net Manager
2. Burlington Flea Market
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its Spring Flea Market on
Saturday, February 27, at the Royal Canadian Legion, 828 Legion Rd.,
in Burlington. Open to the public at 9 a.m., talk-in on VE3RSB
repeater, 147.210(+) 131.8 Hz tone. For more information see
-- RAC Events Database
3. Sarnia Licence Course
The Lambton County Radio Club will hold a Ham Radio Basic
Certification Course at the Sarnia Police Headquarters, 555 North
Christina Street, in Sarnia. The course will begin on Saturday,
February 27th, 2010 and run for four weekends on alternating
Saturdays thereafter. Registration closes on Feburary 22nd. For
more information, visit www.ve3sar.org and click the "Activities"
-- RAC Events Database
4. RTTY Contesting for Newbies
The Northern California Contest Club has published an online
seminar, "RTTY Contesting for Newbies." Topics include RTTY
fundamentals and interfaces, common problems, and demos of setting up
MMTTY, N1MM, and Writelog software. The video file is 115 megabytes
and can be downloaded at http://bit.ly/rtty-recording
-- ARRL Contest Update