RAC Bulletin 100313
Primary tabs

RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 13, 2010
1. Release of Emergency Frequencies
Emergency frequencies 7050, 7095, 3738 and 14200 MHz are now released
from emergency use by the Radio Club de Chile (RCCH). Dr. Galdino
Besomi CE3PG, President of the RCCH and Dr. Cesar Pi Santos HR2P,
IARU Emergency Communications Coordinator Region 2, offer sincere
gratitude to all Hams Worldwide for their understanding and
cooperation during this difficult time for the citizens of Chile.
-- via IARU Region 2 News Service
2. Access to 137 kHz
Industry Canada has approved access by Canadian radio amateurs to the
Low Frequency (LF) band 135.7 - 137.8 kHz, subject to certain
conditions. Amateur use is permitted on a Secondary basis subject to
Footnote 5.67A, which states: "Stations in the amateur service using
frequencies in the band 135.7-137.8 kHz shall not exceed a maximum
radiated power of 1 W (EIRP) and shall not cause harmful interference
to stations of the radionavigation service operating in countries
listed in No. 5.67. (WRC-07)".
Industry Canada has advised that Canadian radio amateurs may now use
the band and that Schedule I of RBR-4 Standards for the Operation of
Stations in the Amateur Radio Service will be amended in due course.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. CANWARN Training Schedule
The 2010 CANWARN Training schedule has been published. You can find
it online at www.emergencyradio.ca/canwarn.shtml. The first session
is April 12th, in Windsor.
-- Jim Taylor, VA3KU, EMO Amateur Radio Program Coordinator
4. OPN Time Change Reminder
As of Sunday March 14th, the Ontario Phone Net has reverted to its
evening start time, 7 pm Eastern on or about 3742 kHz.
-- Bob Sharp VA3QV, OPN Net Manager
5. Brampton Hamfest
The Peel and Mississauga Radio Clubs will hold Ham-Ex 2010 on
Saturday, March 27, at the Brampton Fair Grounds, at Heart Lake Road
and Old School Road in Brampton. Exhibits and Demonstrations at 8
AM, Flea Market at 9 AM. Talk-in on VE3PRC 146.880 (-) no PL tone,
and VE3MIS 145.430 (-) 103.5 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
6. ARISS Annual Report Posted
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Annual
Report 2009 has been posted to the AMSAT Web site. Find it at
tinyurl.com/yfswv62 (Yankee Foxtrot Sierra Whiskey Victor Six Two).
-- AMSAT News Service