RAC Bulletin 100515
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 15, 2010
1. Windsor ARES EC Selected
The City of Windsor now has a newly appointed Emergency Coordinator
working with Municipal Officials and Emergency Services providers.
Tim Mousseau VE3TMY has become the new ARES EC designate with an
extensive Municipal background as Administrative Clerk, Director of
Public Works, Certified Technician, and completion of the EMO
Emergency Preparedness and Response course.
These service qualifications and a desire to plan and coordinate
emergency communications resources for Windsor make Tim the ideal
choice to represent the Ontario ARES in this capacity.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
2. CANWARN Training, Grand Valley and Napanee
CANWARN training will be offered for Grand Valley on Tuesday, May
25th, at 6:30 PM, at the East Luther Grand Valley Community Centre,
90 Main St. North. This session has special significance given that
it will be almost 25 years to the day since the devastating Fujita
Scale 4 tornado that hit Grand Valley and areas to the east on May
31st, 1985. The session will begin with a welcome message from the
CANWARN training will be held on Saturday, May 29th, at 9 AM, at the
Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 26 Mill St E., Napanee.
If you plan to attend a CANWARN session, please confirm by email to
canwarn.ontarioregion (at) ec.gc.ca.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. WX4NHC Annual Test
The annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test from the National Hurricane
Center (NHC) in Miami will take place Saturday, May 29, 1300-2100
UTC. This is not a contest or exercise; this is an equipment test.
WX4NHC will be on-the-air on HF, VHF and UHF, plus 2 and 30 meter
APRS. Suggested SSB frequencies are 3.950, 7.268, 14.325, 21.325 and
28.525 MHz, +/-QRM. They will mostly be on 14.325 MHz and will
announce when WX4NHC will change frequencies. WX4NHC also will be on
the VoIP Hurricane Net 1700-1900 UTC (IRLP node 9219, EchoLink
WX-TALK Conference 7203).
Stations working WX4NHC should exchange their call sign, signal
report, location and name, as well as a brief weather report, such as
"sunny," "rain" or "cloudy." QSL to WD4R, NOT to the NHC, and
include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
-- ARRL Web
4. Boat Anchor Manufacturers
For a bit of history, visit www.ominous-valve.com/ba-mfrs.html.
You'll find information about several classic ham radio
manufacturers, including Central Electronics, E. F. Johnson, Gonset,
National Radio, and World Radio.
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA, Ontario STM