RAC Bulletin 100911
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 11, 2010
1. Commercial Activity on 2m and 70cm
Industry Canada advised both RAC and RAQI on Friday, Sept 10, that
their Montreal office had temporarily authorized a number of 430 to
450 MHz frequencies, and a single VHF frequency on 145.555 MHz, to
support communications for many European entrants of a cycling event
to be held on Quebec City and Montreal on Sept 10 and Sept 12
respectively. According to IC, frequencies were chosen to avoid
known amateur repeater channels.
This type of authorized intrusion by Industry Canada of non-amateur
communications in amateur spectrum is highly unusual and is a matter
of great concern to Radio Amateurs of Canada. RAC will be taking the
matter up with Industry Canada officials. RAC wants to know if
actual interference has been caused to amateur communications; please
report any observations to regulatory (at) rac.ca
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Laurentian Net Seeks Net Controllers
The Laurentian Net is looking for operators to serve as alternate Net
Control Stations, for days when the scheduled NCS can't be available.
The Laurentian Net meets every evening on 3.755 MHz at 6:45 pm
Eastern Time, 6:40 pm on Sunday. If you can assist, please contact
Shawn VE3PSV on the Laurentian Net, or via NTS messsage.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, Net Manager
3. London Hamfest
The London Amateur Radio Club will hold its 33rd Annual Flea Market
on Sunday, September 26, at the Western Fair Grounds in London.
Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VA3LON repeater, 147.060,
114.8 Hz tone. For more information visit www.larc.ca
-- RAC Events Database
4. ARES Marks 75th Anniversary
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service is celebrating its 75th
anniversary between September and December of this year. The
anniversary date is based on the first published mention of an
organized amateur radio response organization, in QST magazine in
September, 1935. ARES has gone through several name changes over the
years, but its mission has always been the same - providing
communications during emergencies and disasters when normal means of
communicating are either disabled or overloaded.
-- CQ News Service
5. QCWA Seeks Youth Mentoring Stories
Dave Hayes, VE3JX, who writes the QCWA column in WorldRadio online
magazine, is looking for input from Quarter Century Wireless
Association members regarding their involvement in youth oriented
projects such as ham radio youth mentoring and education. If you
are a QCWA member and have experiences with any aspect of ham radio
youth mentoring, please send your story along with any related photos
to Dave, ve3jx (at) rac (dot) ca.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline