RAC Bulletin 101016
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for October 16, 2010
1. RAC Membership Poll:
Fellow amateur radio operators;
The Board and Executive of the Radio Amateurs of Canada are meeting at
the end of October to develop a vision for RAC in the 21st Century. In
addition we will be establishing a two year operational plan for 2011
and 2012.
We are asking current, past and future potential members of Radio
Amateurs of Canada, amateur radio clubs and associations to provide
your thoughts and recommendations on a set of questions which will be
found on our website. We would appreciate receiving your response by
October 20th.
We have already received submissions from a number of members, clubs
and associations and we wish to thank you for your input.
Feel free to add to your previous comments.
Please visit the RAC website at
to provide your input
--Geoff Bawden VE4BAW – Président, Radio Amateurs du Canada
2.Announcement from IARU Region 2 conference:
It was announced that El Salvador has decided to sign the IARP
agreement amendment.
This very significant news means that shortly the IARP and
the CEPT Intenational Amateur licences will be harmonized and become
one. This is the first concrete step towards a worldwide international
roaming permit that has long been wished for by the IARU as well as the
Amateur community.
--RAC Blog
3. New DXCC Entities:
On Sunday, October 10, five Caribbean islands changed their
governmental status at the same time. Two DXCC entities (the island pair of Bonaire(PJ4) & Curacao(PJ2)
and the three island group of St Maarten(PJ7), Saba(PJ6) and St Eustatius(PJ5)) were deleted from the
DXCC list of active entities.
They will be replaced by four new entities on the DXCC List (bracketed
numbers are DXCC country codes): (517) Curaçao; (518) Sint Maarten; (519) Saba and St Eustatius, and (520) Bonaire.
The event date and time for these changes will be 0400 UTC, October, 10 2010.
Confirmations for these new entities will be accepted for credit starting January 1, 2011.
Other administrative changes and actions will be announced as they are finalized.
4. VC3A and VE3IYOB Special Events
From October 29 to November 29, special event station VC3A will
commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the birthplace of English
Canada: Cupers Cove, Newfoundland, in the year 1610. For
QSL information search for VC3A on qrz.com.
Also, from November 1 to November 30, special event station VE3IYOB
will commemorate the UN International Year of Biodiversity. QSL via
-- RAC Special Events Database
5. Montreal South Shore Hamfest
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Place Desaulniers, 1023 Taschereau Blvd. Longueuil (10 minutes from
downtown Montréal)
Times: Vendors 6h00, visitors 9h00
Table $ 10.00 (individual entry(s) not included)
General Admission $ 5.00
Talk-in frequency: 145,390 ( - ) VE2RSM CTCSS 103,5Hz
Free parking
For more info: http://www.ve2clm.ca/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=120