RAC Bulletin 111231
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for December 31, 2011
1. RAC Volunteer Appreciation Award
RAC would like to recognize Gary Hyatt, VE3MJT, one of the key
volunteers who provides important support to RAC Headquarters in
Gary grew up in Ontario and was first licensed as VE3MJT in 1980. He
is a member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. On behalf of
President Geoff Bawden, VE6BAW and the entire Board of Directors and
Executive, thank you for over a decade of volunteer service to the
Radio Amateurs of Canada.
-- The RAC Report
2. Submitting Bulletin Items
For your New Year's resolution, why not let other amateurs in Ontario
know what your group is doing in 2012? The Ontario Bulletin is a
great place to announce upcoming events, or report on recent
activities. Just send a brief item -- six to ten lines of text is
ideal -- to the Official Bulletin Manager via email, obm (at)
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM
3. Do-It-Yourself Ham Radio Video
ARRL's new video, "The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio," is an 8-minute
video that follows some of the innovative, imaginative and fun ways
hams use radio technology. The presentation is directed toward the
DIY (do it yourself) movement, which is inspiring a new generation of
creators, hackers and innovators. Download it at www.arrl.org/diy
-- ARRL Web
4. Google Map Your Contacts
David, K2DSL, has created a web application that reads an ADIF file
generated from your logging program and creates a Google map of the
contacts. It requires either a latitude/longitude or grid square be
associated with each contact in order for it to show up. Most contest
loggers don't provide that, but you can import your contest contacts
into a general purpose logging program which can apply callbook data
to the records. Find it at tinyurl.com/adif2map
-- via Paul Caccamo, VA3PC, OBS
5. New book of interest to CW fans
Renowned maritime historian John Maxtone-Graham has completed a new
book entitled "TITANIC Tragedy." Of particular interest to many
radio history buffs and CW operators will be the first chapter, "The
Wireless Miracle", a great read on the early development of maritime
radiotelegraphy. The book will be available in March, 2012.
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA