RAC Bulletin 120218
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 18, 2012
1. RAC Amateur of the Year 2011
RAC is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Cezar Trifu, VE3LYC
of Kingston, ON as the Canadian Radio Amateur of the Year. Dr. Trifu
exemplifies the Canadian Amateur with numerous IOTA DXpeditions since
2008 covering Canadian and overseas islands. He has raised the
profile of Canadian Amateur operations world-wide with thousands of
QSOs with DXCCs covering over six continents, and with over twenty
multi language articles in several amateur journals.
A presentation will be made to Dr. Trifu in the coming weeks. More on
his nomination will appear in the May-June issue of The Canadian
Amateur magazine.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Section Manager Nominations
As mentioned last week, Ontario Section Field Service is being
revamped, to close the communications gap between RAC and its
members. The transition will begin May 1st with the appointment of
new Section Managers. I ask the clubs and ARES groups to nominate
appropriately skilled and capable candidates. Nomination letters
must be signed by 10 full RAC members, or by the president of a club,
and should be mailed to Allan Boyd VE3AJB, P.O. Box 208, Little
Current, ON, POP 1K0 no later than March 31st.
The job of the Section Manager has changed, and there are new support
positions that need to be filled. Provisional job descriptions can
be viewed online at tinyurl.com/ontrestruct. During the transition
period, May through August, we will be recruiting new section staff.
Please think of who you know that might be able and willing to tackle
one of these important jobs.
-- Allan Boyd, Ontario Section Manager
3. GLETN Time Change
Effective immediately, the Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net will
hold its pre-net at 8:00 pm, and the main net at 8:30 pm, Eastern
Time. GLETN meets on 3.932 MHz, 365 nights a year. All amateurs are
-- via Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
4. Loyalist City Special Event
From March 1st to March 31st, club members of the Loyalist City
Amateur Radio Club of Saint John, New Brunswick will use special
event station CK975LC to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the club.
QSL via VE3MY or bureau; no LOTW or EQSL. Visit www.lcarc.ca for more
-- RAC Events Database and qrz.com
5. Eight Satellites Reach Orbit
At 1000 UTC February 13, a European Space Agency Vega rocket lifted
eight student-built MicroSats and CubeSats to orbit. They are:
ALMASat-1 from Italy, sending 1200-baud packet data at 437.465 and
2407.850 MHz.
Xatcobeo from Spain, sending telemetry at 437.365 and 145.940 MHz.
Robusta from France, sending 1200-baud packet telemetry at 437.325
MHz with one 20-second data burst every 3 minutes.
E-Star from Italy, sending 1200-baud packet telemetry at 437.445 MHz.
Goliat from Romania, sending 1200-baud packet data at 437.485 MHz.
PW-Sat from Poland, which includes a voice repeater that listens on
435.020 MHz FM and retransmits on 145.900 MHz SSB. Telemetry will be
sent as 1200-baud packet and CW at 435.020 MHz.
MaSat-1 from Hungary, sending 625/1250 bps GFSK data at 437.345 MHz.
UniCubeSat GG from Italy, sending 9600-baud data at 437.305 MHz.
-- ARRL Web