RAC Bulletin 120908
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 8, 2012
1. RAC Simulated Emergency Test
The RAC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held October 13-14.
This nationwide exercise is the chance to test your emergency
operating skills and readiness in an emergency-like deployment. The
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic
System (NTS) and members of the RAC Field Organization will
participate and practice emergency operation plans, nets and
RAC Field Organization Leaders may opt to conduct their local or
Section-wide SET on a different date, so check with your local
Section Manager or Emergency Coordinator for the exact date in your
area. Contact information, and more information about the SET, is
posted on the RAC website, www.rac.ca.
-- The RAC Report
2. London Flea Market
The London Amateur Radio Club will hold its 35th Annual Flea Market
on Sunday, September 23, at the Western Fair Grounds, Special Events
Building, 900 King Street, in London. General admission at 9 am;
talk-in on VA3LON repeater, 147.060, 114.8 Hz tone. For more
information visit www.larc.ca.
-- RAC Events Database
3. Special Event Station ON44CLM
Special event station ON44CLM will be active from 16 October until
15 November, to commemorate the liberation of Knokke, Belgium by
the Canadian Army in 1944. CLM stands for "Canadian Liberation
March." For more information visit www.on44clm.be.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. Volunteers for Honduras Needed
The International Health Service is looking for volunteer radio
operators to go to Honduras to assist their medical/dental teams,
from 15 February to 1 March 2013. They hope to have all
volunteers signed up by 1 October 2012.
IHS has sent medical/dental teams to the mountain and Moskito Coast
areas of Honduras for 30 years, always with a radio operator on each
team. Portable Winlink 2000, HF voice and VHF FM are used for
logistics, medical consults, and team health and welfare messages. If
you want experience in the closest thing to a real disaster
communications emergency, in foreign no-infrastructure conditions,
and want to use your hobby for something good at the same time,
please contact John Kirckof K0UUP, email JMKKEK (at) Yahoo.com
-- Winlink Emcomm Group