RAC Bulletin 120929
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 29, 2012
1. RAC Bulletin 2012-057E - Distracted Driving Bulletin: Ontario Extends
Exemption (Issued 2012-09-25 )
The Radio Amateurs of Canada are today announcing written confirmation
from Minister Bob Chiarelli of the Ontario Provincial Government
regarding a five year extension of exemption to the Ontario distracted
driving law. In his letter, Minister Chiarelli explains that the
current exemptions for both Amateur Radio and Two Way Commercial
Radios will be extended until January 1st, 2018.
Minister Chiarelli expresses his hope that in that time commercial
hands free alternatives will be found for two way radios. While RAC
finds victory in the five year extension, a permanent solution is
desired and required.
The Radio Amateurs of Canada will continue to pursue a permanent
exemption for Amateur Radio operators in Ontario. Similar exemptions
already exist in many other provincial jurisdictions in Canada -
thanks in part to the efforts of local amateurs and RAC's national
strategy to address distracted driving legislation.
The Radio Amateurs of Canada is Canada's national voice for Amateur
Radio. Our efforts not only promote the Amateur Radio Service but
protect it from regulatory interference that may lead to less
capability to provide emergency communications. Not already a RAC
member? Why not join today at www.rac.ca and find out about the many
benefits our members enjoy across the country and the world beyond.
Bill Gade, VE4WO
Regulatory Affairs
2. RAC Simulated Emergency Test
A reminder of the RAC Simulated Emergency Test (SET) to be held October 13-14.
ARES and the National Traffic System (NTS) will participate in and practice
emergency operations plans, nets and procedures.
If you are an ARES member, please join in, if you are not, please give a listen
on your local VHF repeater, or on one of the provincial HF net frequencies to
aquaint yourself with the traffic flow.
RAC Field Organization Leaders may opt to conduct their local or
Section-wide SET on a different date, so check with your local
Section Manager or Emergency Coordinator for the exact date in your
area. Contact information, and more information about the SET, is
posted on the RAC website, www.rac.ca.
3. Hamilton Hamfest
The Hamilton Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual hamfest on
Saturday, October 13, in the Concession Building at the Ancaster
Fair Grounds 630 Trinity Road, at the south-west corner of highways
52 and 53, just west of Ancaster. General admission at 9 am; talk-in
on VE3NCF repeater, 146.760 (-), 131.8 Hz tone. For more information
visit www.hamiltonarc.ca/activities/harc-hamfest/
4. Daily MF/HF/6M Propagation Forecasts
Thomas Giella has announced that his NZ4O Medium Frequency, High
Frequency and 6 Meter Radio Wave Propagation Forecast is now
published on a 'daily' basis. It can be found on line at
www.solarcycle24.org. Each new edition will be available at around
1300 UTC.