RAC Bulletin 121110
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for November 10, 2012
1. Ontario North Section Appointments
The following appointments in Ontario North Section Field Services
are effective November 1st:
Dave Hayes, VE3JX, of Sault Ste. Marie, is Section Emergency
Coordinator. Dave was a former EC for the City of Sault Ste. Marie
and the DEC for Albany District, and recently sat as a board member
on the section restructuring advisory committee.
Paul Caccamo, VA3PC, of Callander (just south of North Bay) is
Official Bulletin Manager. Paul is the DEC for the Magnetawan and
North Bay District and has been an Official Bulletin Station for many
Pat Dopson, VE3HZQ, of Sudbury, is Section Traffic Manager. Pat was
a former EC for the City of Sudbury and active member of both the
Sudbury and Manitoulin Amateur Radio Clubs, and is very experienced
with CW and Traffic Handling.
Please join me in welcoming these gentlemen to their new positions.
-- Allan Boyd, VE3AJB, Ontario North Section Manager
2. New DEC for Loyalist District
Effective September 1st, George Williams, VE3SIQ has been appointed
the new DEC for the Loyalist ARES District. George has been
licensed since 1989, Advanced and 5 wpm CW, and previously served as
EC for Frontenac ARES from 2008 to 2011. We thank him for accepting
this important position and we wish him every success. George can
count on the support of Scott Carter as the SEC and of me as Section
George replaces Bill Milligan, VA3WOW who has been the Loyalist DEC
for the past 10 years, Bill has stepped down for personal reasons.
Everyone in the District and at the Section level thanks him very
much for his years of valued service and dedication, and we wish him
-- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Ontario East Section Manager
3. CK3B Special Event
From November 28 to December 28, special event call sign CK3B
will commemorate 50 years of Conservation by the Nature Conservancy
of Canada. QSL via VE3JPP.
-- RAC Special Events Database
4. Winlink saves Bounty crew
On Monday, October 29, during Hurricane Sandy, a replica of the HMS
Bounty -- built for the 1962 film Mutiny on the Bounty -- sank off
the coast of North Carolina. Ship's electrician Doug Faunt, N6TQS,
reported that calls for help by satellite phone, HF radio, and the
Maritime Mobile Net went unheeded. But with the ship's Winlink
amateur rig they were able to email the U.S. Coast Guard for help.
As a result, 14 of the 16 crew were rescued.
Sadly, ship's captain Robin Walbridge, KD4OHZ, did not make it to a
life raft, and is presumed dead.
-- ARRL Web, via Paul VA3PC
5. Hams Respond to Sandy
Even though Hurricane Sandy was declared a post-tropical cyclone by
the time it made its final landfall, the storm still had winds in
excess of 80 miles per hour. Hams from the Carolinas to Maine
responded to requests for assistance and activated local nets,
supported the Hurricane Watch Net's and the VoIP Hurricane Net's
operations, assisted their local and state Emergency Operations
Centers and provided assistance at shelters and wherever needed.
For the full story, visit tinyurl.com/arrlsandy
-- ARRL Web